
gotta agree hard. i like some parts of the community but jesus i keep finding myself just like dumbstruck. maybe there isn’t a difference between criticism and complaint, but i like to think that there is. i know not everyone on the reddit is an adult, or an “adult” but come on. the vault space argument is one of the

ugh just stop

also cammy and birdie are in the game. i know eventhubs and shoryuken talk about it, but if covering ryu in smash why not returning characters in sfv?

Which is most of them, except exactly like hungry box said he handled his shit and got his degree so that there would be a feasible after smash, and still slaughters ‘em all.

Complicated... Eh. Cashgrab yes. There are people who study smash as a science. Its got a weird place in gaming history. Case in point, heihachi was pratfalling and throwing bowling pins while his moveset of 100+ techniques were being squandered. I wanted to like is psasbr but it need a level of care and development

Really? Lol no sarcasm that genuinely made me laugh smile

Im so so so very interested to see how these guys break down. From little Mac to duck hunt to robin they’ve made great strides from a fighting game perspective this time around. I have missed Roy but project m well satiated my longing. If I’m salty about fire emblem characters its that with so many characters they

Have you seen a good skolas fight? People still die but yeah build, team composition by class and weapons still matter.

As long as this game has been in development, as long as people have been making mmo progression type games and with blizzard right around the corner as part of Activision, I think they had it in mind. I mean each expansion essentially has some iconic currency for this. Vog gear will always need ascendant, CE will

I have... Soon many accounts. One is launch and tdb with how and vog. I’m rolling a triple titans for how, I’m getting my hunters ready for taken king

Tales from the subreddit of fireteams staying close and coordinated all with necro. Two or three side to side drilling you down relentlessly.and they swap to SGA for heavy. There literally cannot be more bullets.

I wonder how many people took this at face value, as an opinion piece first and a list of complaints last. Its not a big deal, simply a westerner sharing his experiences over five years with people who have always wondered about what’d it’d be like to live in the land of the rising sun. Yes we knew it’d be different

Its more specific to marvel first then DC. Crossover events =/= whatever ms marvel is up to the rest of the year. its like if the great ninja war didn’t drag on, and everyone else in naruto mattered. Seriously at the end of the day shikamaru was my favorite but its always the same goku vegeta story.

This is true yesssss? My vault is so full my post master can’t take much more, especially after iron banner drops this week I haven’t used the laptop version but I will soon as moving one thing at a time is getting tedious for me... And I break a lot of stuff... Maybe still not enough

Nah. Drag and drop speed and all three characters at once is better. Also no equip/unequip before vaulting iirc

So...make a lol smash game?

Its been eleven years. I’m not saying pack it up, and I don’t know the sheer scale of work that goes into maintaining and improving any persistent world game. I doubt the issue is money at this point and I doubt they’re avoiding doing all of that because they dislike players

Can anyone proficient in Photoshop add more yin/yang emblems? Just above too many would be great. The first sentence is all caps with 30 !s and 1s but yknow. Internet decency (lol, no, not lol)

I had to scroll back up to the top at sheeran and skrillex. Right guitar hero, not rock band.

LoL. Smash.