These double edged swords every where. Aside from the emp sadness fgc teams aren’t like traditional teams. One winner take all so the depression and exhaustion you see in shooters mobas and RTS isn’t as prevalent there
These double edged swords every where. Aside from the emp sadness fgc teams aren’t like traditional teams. One winner take all so the depression and exhaustion you see in shooters mobas and RTS isn’t as prevalent there
While all clothing manufacturers are evil I do thank god for old navy and JLD. I’ll look plain but my clothes will get the clothing job done and for cheap. All of this sounds like too much drama.
I really really hate this. Batlle stadium don’t already exist. Tons of potentially obscure Nintendo characters (many of whom are capable of making a comeback if Nintendo diverted from formulaic Mario game 998) could be a great boon to smash. An interesting addition to the roster. A fire emblem character who doesn’t…
Actually ill promise myself this. Once I'm over destiny and I've gotten far enough Hyrule warriors... and unlocked everything smash has will sink into xenonlade
I'll still pick it up but ill be honest with you probably never gonna play it. The backlog consumes all. Fallout was really my bag. Never touched an elder scrolls. And while imlove the classics, this has too much of that new anime bad character design feel. Just my opinion. I can't imagine what it does story wise has…
So my takeaway as a fighting game fan who missed out on the boom is this; I'm overwhelmed by the love for so many of these older characters. Awesome females have always been in fighting games in all manner of clothing. These original concepts are amazing, though ko tattoo seems more like a fg-tan and is way too busy.…
Because they are relatively broke. And they mishandle micro transactions and mobile games. Looking at where the money is going they try to make many of their new entries on past series more action packed. America buys the largest and Japan buys puzzle and dragons. Spectacle creep from competition who don't have to try…
I don't even know how to any of that. I really really don't. The only thing I can say is that the game is 20% done if that and they recently started work. The differences between these two characters and their incarnations in previous appearance will either be nonexistent or grand. And if you can't notice why take the…
don't even need to see the movie. all i need is someone to make a trailer like this but wiig and mccarthy in it and call it ghost corpse brides maid busters
if there is an upside to this, it's that he's likely not studying the box office?
can we scrap everything and just make a half ghostbusters movie half freaks and geeks megareference
is that your way of ninja?
what was the direction for malkovitch's acting. old jersey gamer?
Slightly shocked the word brawl even bothers coming up. Imo not a great point of orientation when talking about the history of smash and tight controls
Me thinks blizzard and Bungie will work well together taking ideas from titan and wow and using what they e learned/experimented with to build destiny up even greater. I mean we are only a few weeks in. Destiny is already doing it. Reviews harsh but always mention 'cant stop playing' take this good/ok thing and make…
Nope. Not right now. I need to go some place to extract whatever valid points she has and separate that from the bs and my share of imagined vitriol. I wont say anything about thousands of dead virtual nameless faceless men.
I'm waiting silently for all things Pokemon. No rush I will happen. We got snap once, early stadiums, conquest, the dungeon crawlers. As not as diehard as many other pokefans, there are three type of fighting games Pokemon needs to be 2d 3d and smash style. I'll wait Nintendo. You have a huge pool of characters to…
Rap games are ok. We need hip hop games.
I'm not anywhere near a fan i used to be, though I doubt I was ever a fan to begin with, but I think rap in gaming would and could be better... But if its going to mirror what's actually going on, its right where it should be. Rap is an industry which churns out poop, but poop that people like. I don't count on that…
I think the game landscape isn't as sharply divided as the music one is. I prefer hip hop by the classic definition of its constructs, long story short, not most of the long stuff but ill still get down with a game that's 'metal' such as brutal legend. Or the genre crossing fun of guitar hero. But there are some…