
@-nutbastard-: That's awesome. Don't you just love it when sites email your username and password in clear text? Sending you somebody else's is really going the extra mile.

@Gearhead_42: Any chance your username and password were the same on either site?

@dmoon: yeah, except your Lambo was actually a Camry and the shop's insurance will cover it. The only down side is that your treasured Depeche Mode collection was ruined in the fire, and now all the guys at the shop know you like 80s sissy music.

Alabama only replaces stop signs when they're so perforated with bullet holes, they're unreadable. Those mUst be new.

mmmm... taco's + paint

I'd rather have a 4x4 Corniche for the occasional trip to Dakar

where are all the silver haters now?!

That paint job reminds me of Flea in stuffed animal pants - or worse, one of those stoopid hoodies with skulls all over it that you see the kids with trachea piercings wearing in the mall. I'll take silver over this anyday.

Some cars just have to be silver

@jdoubleh:Can't imagine either of these in beige

Some cars look pretty good in silver

Oh, come on. Its a Fiat! You meant $3790, right? Like you meant 17k, not 170k mi? Actually 170k on a Fiat is highly improbable. That would take way too much Bondo.

@dangertree: It is intended to improve the BS/T ratio (brake smugness per tonne).

@Bailout: @Alfisted: What about a "North American" car such as a Mexican Ford or a Canadian Chrysler?