
This, and I have to think about the 'regular' people who are inprisoned there. Nadezhda is a celebrity so one would think that of anyone they would probably not give her the worst of it. I'm in no means saying she's having it easy, but I would think if you're just a regular person without a mouthpiece to the western

I have the opposite problem (not really a problem per se) I have an amazing relationship and am very close with my family, while my husband's family is not so much. His dad is gruff, overbearing, treats his mom like shite, and just plain rude so I hate that I share anything with that man let alone a name. I ended up

That's a great point—I think it would work in your favor especially if you feel like you're contributing to a dialog. I was mainly talking about more of the 'out there' commentaries I've seen on popular FB pages like the 'I f-ing love science,' if you ever look through the comments section—it's pretty scary, it makes

I'm leery of anyone who comments on things via FB—how do they not understand that they're putting real names and shit out there for everyone to see? If anything has convinced me how dumb America is, it's this.

Anytime anyone posts something like "like to show you care," or "like to show you support XYZ cause." I get irrationally angry. What on earth does liking some vapid phrase in a public forum actually do? Absolutely nothing-if you want to support a cause how about doing something for it rather then supporting random

I saw that—it's a great movie! I kind of knew who he was before, but after I have massive amounts of respect for him and his brother.

OMG—that movie hit me so hard, it was horrifying!

I def got a 'Saw' like vibe from the whole pedo-libertarian tribe camp/industrial wasteland hideout. I'm mixed about it—I'm pretty sure they're not going to kill off Miles, but they've def upped the suspension this season. I'm pretty sure Rachel's dad is a goner. I mean they all but spelled it out when he tried to

Pauses and adjusts nerd glasses, actually Shield isn't an official US government agency. This was listed as one of the reasons why the actual US government didn't allow the film to use their equipment during filming. The pentagon didn't like the implications of being beholden' to some sort of world government...

Sinead was in a Magdalene house? I'm not saying this to sound trite, but that really does explain a lot and shed light on her beef with the RC church. I mean those places were basically hell on earth, and I can only imagine the emotional scars from being sent there at such a young age/vulnerable time. I feel

I actually had a FB friend say something about how a positive from the shutdown will be that people will see how a small government can work. I wanted to go through my computer screen and choke someone when I read it. Needless to say that person is no longer a FB friend, but I just don't understand how the public at

Thank you for the link—it's not a lot but it's something, I guess. No real winners in this story, hopefully Montana justice system will come through with a harsher penalty for him but I'm not going to hold my breath.

You are totally right! I remember one of the descriptions of her outfits as something like a '50's housewife mom with a humongous skirt. In any case, I saw this thread as a slight opening to remember one of my favorite Pam (TV) scenes.... in a kitten sweat suite! It's so classic! I'm sorry—I'm totally fan-girling out

Can anybody tell me why he doesn't have to register as a sex offender? There are countless stories about people having consensual sex with minors who get caught/turned in who end up having to register for the rest of their lives so how does this dip shit get away with it?

My personal fave: Pam in a sweat suite... with kittens!

Is it just me, or does anybody get a distinct 'tele-tubbies' vibe from this guy? I mean his face, the outfit...

My biggest problem with the pilot was some of the lighting—especially the interrogation scenes... it seemed really off somehow. Like I know you want it to seem dark and ominous buuut you still want to be able to see the actor's faces.

Ok, so I've heard of Nutritional yeast being used mainly with vegetarian dishes but have never tried it. What does it taste like? Is it more of a seasoning or supposed to be like a cheese replacement?

Soo, maybe he was a 'douche-bag in disguise?'

Seriously! The one that's supposed to be 19 looks like she's 32 at least... I hope that doesn't come off as judge-y but I still do not understand who/what this Courtney person is supposed to be.