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    I should've known something was up when Sega had their Sega pack up on steam... shame it came during that time instead of now.

    @kathartik: I know what you mean, the damn thing feels like it is actually there, instead of weightless in comparison to a 2000. Although, 2000s are definitely shinier than my 1000. To be fair, I do have a screen protector on it, I'm sure that muddles the screen a bit.

    @AlexWrench: Portable 3 will have gunlances as well, which were cut out from Tri.

    @Killer Toilet: I've had mine since December '04. I've decided to replace the battery (nearly 6 years and the charge is probably 40% of its normal capacity). The battery has taken too much damage and doesn't work right near low charges.

    @Deanb: Didn't notice this until recently, I don't browse Kotaku enough nor every article. Instead of reiterating everything that is stated by all the great stars here and the non-stars like Rachel, Tundra, and AchromaticMagus I rather just talk about something else.

    Tetsuya Mizuguchi should just stop this project now and go back to music games. This "franchise" stains his record of fun works. If he makes yet another NNN game, I'm going to think of him like Sonic Team.

    @Killer Toilet: I can only imagine how cluttered the desktop would be with all those peripherals laying around until they are in use. That steel battalion controller would just be.... bigger than some rigs.

    @Manly McBeeferton: Never tell them to suck it. Nvidia would sit on their ass and never make any better cards if they didn't have competition.

    @Killer Toilet: It isn't overkill until you run out of watts to power all those peripherals.

    @tetracycloide: No I meant the boot camp for their conscription. I just spouted off some FMJ quotes and my friend 문님 wimpered. I know about the 2 years thing.

    I can just hear it now... all those orders and swearing.

    I only see 1 sackboy smiling on a sign. No wonder they left this office, it is horrible!

    SCEA should put pressure on Sony Pictures... Send Kevin Butler or something!

    @lenandude: I've checked. Some prices seem to vary from $2 to 12. They've definitely gotten cheaper. Those 1 and less ones were 1.2 or less.... definitely not something I'd consider.

    @Scazza: Canada and EU I can see taking little effort. AU is likely a problem because of internet there.

    @DocSeuss: Isn't that the content owner's fault? They've always been dicks with region coding and other shit. I doubt Hulu has such choice.

    @AncientUnknown1: Doesn't Hulu pull some content because of taboo subjects and certain stars not allowing their likeness being displayed again?

    @Batman: It likely will be some service that includes "premium" and free content. The free stuff will probably be movies no one cares about. Premium will be all the latest shows and hottest movies.