
Tell me what you remember about this weekend on Monday. =)

You're going to change your pants a hell of a lot more PLAYING Amnesia.

Could we pretend Doctor Who ended BEFORE Survival? I mean, I love me some Ainley Master, and good on him to show up whenever asked even though he never needed a paycheck. Great to see the Master, but that episode BLEW! Then we can pretend Doctor Who picked up again after the travesty Fox put us through.

I detect a new Head On commercial coming.

Batman and Robin. It's "ice" of you to remember. Oh, the puns, stop it Arnie!

Well your version may have not, but the author is referring the incredibly catchy tunes from the Gameboy version. Song 2 is best as always.

+1 good sir/madam! I thought the same. No, not that one Adolph!

Oh, really? How does one receive payola on a negative review? Unless a competitor payed, which would seem petty. Anyway, Stephen happens to be editor in chief here, so you can base his poor journalist integrity on the fact that he's the head nerd in charge (HNIC).

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What's that sandvich, kill zem all? GOOD IDEA!

What ever happened to injecting oranges with vodka? I mean instant screwdriver.

You know, with a small screwdriver, it's pretty easy to get the cap off without breaking the ring?

Does anyone lament the fact that Douglas Adams totally ripped himself off by using City of Death (Doctor Who) as the premise for the first Dirk Gently book? I mean all the jokes were great. Him and his house cleaner both having hairs on the fridge, his own personal horroscope (you are overweight and wear a ridiculous

I have only read the script, but it's mostly like the mini series with a few minor changes.

Yeah, that item would become an essance. It happens, but thanks to having a good group, the items I want drop a lot more. Heck, my offhand weapon has no dex or vit, but it's really good for my level, and with a gem slot, I can add what I want. My main does have a boatload of dex on it (yes, I play monk)

Yeah, we play OCD Diablo. Have to scour the dungeon for everything. Makes the game last longer, and is way more fun. I guess random pickup groups can be a pain.

Now wait, I thought Europa was methane, not water, so if we unfreeze that, all we will have is a fart from the big bang.

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Wow, commenters you fail again. I guess it's up to me to post it.

WHY has this not been posted yet? You guys are slipping.


Unpossible. The RAM in the Xbox is so small, it could never load any but the smallest server. Mindcrack's server world is so huge, they use Nether portals (with long rail lines in the Nether) to get to their area of the map. That's like gigabytes worth of data. Xbox is 256 meg I think. I suppose they could make it so