
Y'know, this sounds to me like Seth be trollin'. He's making it sound like the worst thing to happen to Star Wars hasn't already happened, so when you DO see the finished product you'll breathe a sigh of relief.

@Rusty626: 5 and 8 are backwards. Aurora is pink, Cinderella is blue.

@Cloral: Nope. She's a redhead.

@ITIL_Prince: Not the volts, it's the amps. Less than 6mA across the heart can kill (I'm an electrician). He got (sorta) lucky the current entered and exited on the same side of the body.

@Xeo: I personally think it's the community. If you find a good server to call home, it's fantastic. For a good laugh, I'll get on my local 24/7 2-Fort blow crap up, and bust up at everyone in voice chat. Good times.

@MrGOH: By myself I would have no boss, but I'd be raising my lovely dental floss!

@battra92: Don't forget to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow!

@DrunkRaba: Wow. Kids today just can't cope with the constant flux of character paradigm that is the Doctor. You have to learn to love the new eccentricities. Must adapt. Every Doctor is great in his own way. Well except 6 (bloody cat pin INDEED). He needs to go. Fell asleep watching the Twin Dilemma, and you know

@Dan2593: Was that some DVD/Dragon's Lair game?

@aak7268: Poor Janet, she's the Barry Allen of the Marvel universe. No matter what happens, she's worm food.

@staticlinejumper: I agree Wasp, however, I think that there's an Ant Man movie coming out and they want to introduce her there instead of the Left field Avengers add-in. IMO just dumping another super hero that the general public doesn't know about seems contrived. (Of course dumping Hawkeye in to the mix better be

@Lex Luthor II: Mila Jovovich, Charleze Theron, Linda Hamilton, Uma Thurman, Summer Glau, Sarah Michelle Geller (had to have some Whedon references).

@syafiqjabar of Mars: Memory has faded. Remind me what franchise she's attatched to. X-Men? Was she in Origins:Wolverine? Cuz I never watched that train wreck.

@Alex Vasquez: Wow. History lesson time eh? Wanda and Pietro were originally Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Mags IS their father). They saw the error of their ways and eventually joined the second installment of the Avengers with Cap and Hawkeye. (BTW Hawk ALSO started as a villain).

Now playing

You realize that TELE was created by Ben (The Tick) Edlund and closely resembles another evil league.

@Jesse Astle: And what about that patchwork coat with the cat pin on it?