
@Toshi: But not quite close enough for JRPGS.

Seen a few of the Aquaman episodes. He is SO frickin' pompous in them. He doesn't care where he's at. He'll kick everyone's bootys.

@redman042: Used it in High School. Now who's old? BTW, Hypercard taught me what eventually would become HTML.

@Zabadack: Do sheep count? (in NZ) Hell, there could be millions then.

@Hamslicer: You forgot WonDerBug! (Sid and Marty Kroft FTW)

@Darklighter: Well Americans that don't know how to use the internetz. =P

@my2doctors: Sadly Anthony Ainly is no longer with us(5/3/2004 RIP). His last Who story is Survival (which is the last McCoy story (not counting the movie) and ending The Doctor's Non-stop reign; 12/6/1989 in Brittain).

@Facebook: Yeah but I bet the battery life of the new 360 controller is longer than 45 minutes...

@Simonovski: Also works with PC when correct device drivers are loaded. But that means its connected to the PC not the XBox.

@BlueBeard: Wait! I thought Bruce Campbell was this decade's Bruce Campbell. He is definitely the world's second most interesting man.

@Metalface Eagle: If ya care to do a little rolling your own digital drugs, give this a shot:

Now playing

The look on poor Gary's face when he enters the chamber. They needed to add Beaker's Meep!

@pandafresh: Probably the part with all the burning tires.

@Dan2593: Nah. Even though Castrovolva was a horribly slow episode, most of Davison was particularly good. Colin was the one everyone hated. I happen to like the comparison in the video of the Doctor OWNING everyone. Give Davison a chance. The Turlogh/Kamelion betrayal episodes are done extremely well. I also like