Their reactions are mixed, but all the elders lose themselves quickly in the Fine Bros' recent React video.
Their reactions are mixed, but all the elders lose themselves quickly in the Fine Bros' recent React video.
I have over 2,000 blurays and over 100 tv series with all their seasons. All in a great HTPC with 12 TB just for my daliy enjoyment. HOWEVER I don't own a single pirate game. As weird as it may sound pirating games still feels wrong to me (who'd have thought).
Even though it specifically says "sold, not shipped"? That would be a rather higher level of dishonesty than usual.
I don't like isometric as much as first person myself, but I won't skip games like this or Divine Divinity just because of it. But yeah, I feel like I'm controlling a bunch of little action figures on a board rather than being immersed in the game.
Hey I'm the guy in the video. If you like the material, check out my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/reallifepeterg…
Probably not the best time to have "TERRORISTS WIN" on your screen..
Bullet points from the DF article.
Because this could be really cool for Alien super-fans, but instead of just putting it in the game, or even selling it separately, Sega is forcing you to buy the game sight unseen if you want to play it (at least until they sell it separately a few months later).
Its coming down eventually, better local toxic rain than spreading to other countries before raining down.
I actually tried but it's a lost cause. Apparently the bad sport lobby is such a hot topic over at their official forums they now send automated responses if they detect the words "bad" and "sport" in your messages. I replied a few times saying the auto-response didn't answer my questions (I was asking why my timer…
Furthermore, MST3K was not funny, the Avengers was a piece of shit, and Morgan Freeman has a stupid voice.
im also one. honestly what got me was PS4 becoming the console of RPGs vs Xbox becoming the console of shooters/bros
Unfortunately, to some people, this isn't a surprise as much as "about time". There is already a great program like this out called SMBX on the PC. It has a fairly large community, and there are TONS of Mario games that have been created (some truly epic, some totally insane).
Ya know, I said "Buyers Remorse" after reading that negative review on here, but this morning I was playing Watch Dogs and realized I was having fun. I love the digital trips. And the chess stuff.
A lot of people are going to read this as "no game developer will ever offer Kinect integration again."
Thanks soo much ordered my PS3, just for the purpose of playing The Last Of Us, and now get this as a bonus, soo thank you! Will be gettin my PS3 today delivered soo that worked like a charm!
You know what? I support gay marriage and equality for everybody, I really do but seeing everything turning gay to show support is starting to get a little tiring. We don't have to gayify everything to support the cause.
This is beyond stupid. Gays need to get over themselves. They're lifestyle doesn't need to be included in a game pointed at a crowd of 8-16 year olds.
That's what I find so ironic about the LGBT. They're screaming for acceptance, but they are quickly becoming incredibly heavy handed and just plain hateful. You pretty much have to swear to mention homosexuality in a good light in at least every third sentence you speak, lest you be a foaming-mouthed gay-hater. But…