
Awesome article compilation. Here Rob, have a cookie.

Do you not find it ridiculous it's MK freaking 8????? Just tells me Nintendo have nothing going on.

You sir are just plain wrong because your not wanting to go back and play games is the whole point of this. If I want to play Legend of Zelda on my NES I can do so any day. I just hook it up and done. Retrogaming is so cool and will be cool always. Maybe you get the itch to play TLOU in 10 years, who knows. Can't

I agre 100% with you. People who buy digital are just making this possible more and more. I have a lot of issues with this new BS model. I still consider my property well...mine. Unless we have a written guarantee of a lifetime support, this is madness, its throwing your money in the toilet.

Who goes to a normal seat now. There is this thing called VIP cinema now, no time for filthy peasants. You get a waiter, a huge menu and booze to go with that.

With all due respect, if you think R&C was disappointing you are a very stupid person.

Agree 100% with you. Its time to shake the tree.

Except for the Wii, the Wii is a POS

Anime is for really weird people and Japanese teenagers.

I could not laugh more, the Wii is a pice of shit with piece of shit games. 10 games do not compare to a easily 100 good titles you can get on the PS3. Sorry man,but your standard are low as hell

Don't even get your hopes up, its like Nintendo hates progress. This will NEVER happen.

As weird as people who like anime.

I just wish they'd stop trying to make this game relevant. It isn't.

I have only heard great things about Puppeteer. I am getting that.

I thought this movie was cool. Felt like a set up for the next Sinister Six movie, which is ok because it was very different form other movies. Garfield and Stone are also great together, so good you sometimes forget its a comic book movie. I don't know if I love it or hate it but it surely helps draw a wider audience

That was pretty fucking cool

Same way agnostics are the new Jehovah's witness in the annoying scale.

Not creepy at all in a site like Kotaku where all the "real creepy" japanese stuff is shown.

Calling your computer "rig" is as ridiculous as calling your biceps "guns".

This guy knows what's up.