
And there are no gays, because praise Jesus.

But the children are all above average.

Way to spoil Season 3 of Fargo, jerks.

Minneota, Minnesota: The place so nice Michelle Bachmann named it twice.

Travelers? I have an IPass, which works for with EZ Pass, but on a recent East Coast trip I didn’t plan to be driving when all of a sudden we decided to rent a car for a road trip. Rental had no EZ Pass, I had to pay cash with the plebes.

He’d just consistently lucky...he’s overrated...to somebody...

Yeah...he’s pretty good, I guess...

Seems like the common denominator is Boogie. Why is he being treated like an untouchable superstar? Can his team win 30 games in a season just once first?

Dehydration has been the go-to excuse for fucked up on drugs or alcohol for like what? 20 years now?

Kid: “You can have my Coke”

I can safely say no one guessed that it was Mr. Green in the lobby area with his fist.

Gotta admit, though. Guy does a great impression of Adam Sandler’s impression of a singer.

Serves these people right for going to a god damn godsmack show in the first place.

Sure - that’s the class the “anti-PC” people created. If you call them out on being assholes, you’re oppressing them.

Shut up brah some of my best friends are assholes!

Incidentally, that bio scored an A as his civil liberties term paper at Ole Miss.

He is right. Hatin’ on people solely because they are in the “different” category of women-beating misanthropes *is* discrimination. It is, however, *permissible* discrimination. So suck it, shitbag.

Machiavellianism is “the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct”