Shameful thuggery. Now kids can't wear green or orange without fearing gang violence.
Shameful thuggery. Now kids can't wear green or orange without fearing gang violence.
Automatic pass plays like that should never be attempted Manuelly
That's odd—I've watched the video several times, and I still can't hear the alleged obscenity; I just keep hearing Colin Cowherd and the producers of First Take having very loud, disturbing orgasms.
The head coach, qb coach, offensive coordinator, doctor and trainers should all be fined, suspended and in the case of the doctor, head trainer and head coach fired for their lack of action and obvious lack of care.
Even hockey players know to get off the ice when they are having trouble standing...
are you guys friends?
Actually her resume says rocket surgeon.
And so ends the Era Of Grit in Arizona.
He fooled Baseball Doucher?! That's unforgivable.
"A pitcher would never throw a meatball to Jeter."
-Adam Wainwright
I don't normally believe in conspiracy theories, but they fucking let him do that. Lollipop pitch and the catcher didn't even try to make a play.
wow, does anybody else feel like this ending was a bit too perfect? I think there was a script for tonight and it was performed perfectly
déjà vu
I hate Jeter but that was fucking magical
Pictured: a little girl gazes adoringly at a dopey but beloved relic of better days for a New York sports franchise.
"You're really trying to get me fired, aren't you?"
Kersh is the based God
He can hit.
No actual fighting? Alt headline-