
I still hold by the idea that Sherlock happened because the Doctor reset the Universe and it's one of those little things that got switched around. Thankfully Madame Vastra and Jenny are holding down the fort back in the 1880's

The Time War.

That was a Shark Jump with a Triple Salchow

Right, when we finally send someone back to the moon, make sure to take lots of photos.

Oh right, the world is scheduled to end this year isn't it?

Proving the old adage about "Man Bites Dog" is still newsworthy.

And we have a winner for the 2012 IgNobel

Hi Micheal!

Of course Kirk is saying something stupid: His mouth is open.

I still think the most fun thing would be for Rory to become a recurring character on the BBC's long running medical drama "Casualty"

The only time I can recall it was in Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Strikes Back" they were involved and even had a teenage daughter in that future.

A friend of mine has a one of those kitschy old barn paintings with a Tie Fighter crashed into it.

I'm very much in favor of this Marvel 70's 'verse. Along with Daredevil, add Power Man and Iron Fist as blaxploitation/kung fu duo.

I still maintain Lilith herself was a Fairy. But as Claude had described it earlier this season, she had "lost her light" and that turned her into the first vampire. Which would help explain the vampire drunkenness when they drank her blood, and why they gave the big speech to Sookie about trying to keep her powers.

If it was in Pripyat, I could have understood, and expected some weird undead radioactive brain monster to come out of it as well.

Or aboard a ship capable of Ludicrous Speed.

And I thought Singapore was one of the sex tourism capitols of the world?

I'm part of the convention staff for a literary con here in Dallas. Considering the number of high end techies we have on staff I've joked that we should build telepresence robot and arrange to have a "Virtual Guest of Honor" with Matt Frewer as the logical first choice.

Well, Affleck's worked with Kevin Smith for years, so hopefully he's picked up some understanding of comics through osmosis if nothing else.

My guess on Lilith is that she was a Fairy.