
You forgot the best advantage over an iPhone: noone wants to steal a Hello Kitty cell phone

Oh, no! This article made me so hungry, and it's just 9:30am

you forgot this one...

Crying like a baby: "Mom, why he does not answer me! Mom? MOM? MOOOM!"

... with their mighty anti aerial spitting camel?

No, they hire a dude to play a dude disguised as another dude.

or a sticker like luggages in the airport

No, that website is called facebook

The badger is a lie!

They say that Italy is the boot... and in the south is quite hot too!

The next will be a Word World Championship in which competitors must write a 4000 words text without spell check and 15 clippy on screen

With a 3D printer I will print a lot of Lego... A LOT of it.

She is Microsoft's Rebecca Black

Is this considered sexual assault?

gianluca . ferrario @ gmail . com (without blank spaces)

OMG invite meeee!!!! (falling on the ground crying and rolling... in the middle of the office).

Spit back my iPhone you f*ing m*er f*er!!

That sound much more expensive than a romantic dinner for two.

I can give you a hand to understand.