
I wouldn't mind if the Cops in his area had a Zimmerman mentality, like they do with black teens.

He has done this before . . .

You are ignoring what JellyFishHead said.

As someone knows someone who has been incarcerated with one of those labels, that stuff does not happen. It is Tv fantasy and in 2003 legislation was passed to prevent that very thing.

Also, raping someone makes them a sexual predator. The main people who can rape are rapists.

You are good at ignoring stories about MMA fighters repelling multiple robbers with their skills.

Police officers have more domestic violence than MMA fighters.

ikr, it is like they want to report you to the cops. And yeah, they keep suicide on the books as a felony but then wonder why more people don't 'seek help', especially when it will come up on mental health evaluations and possibly make life worse.

We are all alone.

It became complicated since there is a sex offender registry and lots of legislation since 2007.

And people think I'm crazy when I ask them to make their intentions clear.

It is quite relevant, as most sex offenses are like domestic violence, in that they are committed by someone known to the victim. The whole "stranger danger" notion is part of what many call rape culture myths.

You must not criticize what you post as much as you criticize what others post.

Wow, I ask why you can't cover Alexandria Chery as a missing girl found dead and you bring us this? Are you a troll or do you just not believe in intersectional feminism. Dead girl is more of a story than this by diaper changing mess.

These same people are not covering Alexandria Chery's death. I wonder why. Is this all white feminists think about?

There's 80 million children in this country, assuming the number kidnapped by strangers hasn't significantly changed the odds are closer to 1 in 400,000.

ikr, we only see this when the other person is dead.

Only 13 minutes ago, I wonder if this will become a criminal matter.