
We made prostitution, public sex, and streaking illegal.

I'm a sociopath. Couldn't watch it without stopping it and leaving the room.

Considering Maya Angelou's days as a prostitute would get one on the sex offender registry now, I guess now we look to our "criminals".

How could it never happen to you? This is her story, not the blueprint for your life.

No MRAs in China.

So an 8 year old is beaten, wow.

Some bears kill men.

That is why along with the anti-rape clothing, they sell self-destruct devices.

Ask Jodi Arias.

Smaller people excel at martial arts. Just get a sociopath/prostitute/criminal to teach you.


The Devil wears Prada.

No, it is not.

Rainbow knife.

Cuz people know men are crazy as fk. While the average woman was trying to prove they were tough, "G.I.Jane" and this and that, men were willingly swimming through sewage to get stuff done.

My psych calls that hyper vigilance.

But, as a consumerist, I will remark about how cute these accessories are when my acquaintances get them.

I am a registered sex offender. That fancy underwear only prevents penetrative rape, but not most sexual assaults. Not even what I was accused of would be prevented by the underwear.

When people campaign for lesser sentences for non-violent drug users, I wonder if they know all the stuff drugs, and not just the trafficking, contributes to.

What is interesting is her bloodline. Her grandmother was a nazi.