
Then why not sign up for the Innocence project where you can see real law, trial transcripts, and maybe a few "whodunits"?

Thank you. People have no idea about the criminal code for crimes sometimes. Some idiot on CNN once posted "Child Molestation is the rape of a child" and 8 people agreed. In my experience reviewing cases . . . Child Molestation covers a range of crimes of an intentional sexual nature in the presence of a child. But,

Uh no. Pants forever.

Miley Cyrus was describing my genitals in her rant about what she would be like as the other gender.

Which happens to more groups than just "fat" girls.

So everyone forgot Walter White as soon as he died and his wife with him, eh?

You direct films?

Did you get implants halfway through your career?

Teenage girls are always about the fight, then they get inappropriately touched or hit in the head and start crying.

For children . . .racism ok . . .

He has worse denial than a sex offender. Sex offenders don't normally leave whole bodies of evidence and classrooms full of victims.

Killing soldiers off screen.

I'm sad I didn't recognize him. I loved 'Misfits' and I'm still waiting for it to come back on.

Because people have a huge chip on their shoulder against sex criminals.

Yeah, but are CIA analysts usually good looking? Underwear model types? I don't think so. If they put Fairuza Balk in the role, I'd believe it more.

I have nor idea what people are holding against her.

I don't like the Blacklist cuz it sucks and is too unrealistic. From a criminal perspective.

It's not her, its the crap show. The "Blacklist" was so bad it lost any realistic perspective it had from a criminal, law enforcement, r bystander standpoint in less than 8 episodes.

The bad omen is that the person who helped make "The Blacklist" made this. And as a professional criminal, I can tell you "The Blacklist" is baaaad.

I want to know if she got implants because there is an obvious size difference there between early career and later in her career.