
I don't know enough about her to feel privileged enough to ask her anything. But, as we know about prefaces, like "I'm not sexist, but . . ." I'm going to ask something anyways. Professor Chernoff, What are your thoughts on 'female purity'? How we put so much value on this imaginary thing( the purity)? And impart

I'm on the sex offender registry now, but was never this wild in college. The most I got was a guy showing his dick to me without my consent.

The funny part is, I notice people talk about how these guys have done nothing wrong and how they are not the same ones catcalling. Well, the funny thing is there is a sex offender registry in the U.K. and no one bothers with direct catcalling at registered sex offenders.

I didn't really find it weird and the guy didn't even seem bothered.


He look like he is Down to Fuck. Totally asking for it.

Teenage girls lie a lot about this kind of stuff. Especially to save their own ass.

It isn't this world. It's you fking humans. We'd conquer you and do the whole World Domination thing if most of you were not total morons. Working on a DNA cannon to destroy your specific species now.

Welcome to the conscious ignorance of the Pro-lifer (& Pro Death Penalty) movement.

How do we only have 8 Ivy league schools?

How is that meant to be interpreted?

Can't do life sentences for child endangerment because although this is a horrific case, every case is different. And like the ho9mless lady who went to a job interview and police arrested her(for child abuse) cuz the kids were left in the car . . . sometimes there are other circumstances. And no one seems to question

Nope. I forbid you.

They are idiots. Really. Any guy could catfish them with a single pic of a woman.

Considering what people get arrested for (joggers for jaywalking,loitering, failure to show ID), and falsely arrested for, it is needed now.

What the shit? I liked the song a bit, but the video is weird as fuck. And why did they claim to be Christian music makers, yet act as secular as possible, even suing rather than forgiving.

I forgot his 'jailbait' song too. Still, the hypocrisy is sitting out in the open. I bet if someone took it off, like Anderson Cooper, he'd look a bit more racist in his motives than he already does.


Are you a real person? How do you exist? Are you single?