
Meh, that concept is like two decades old. The real question is if the men will notice. It isn't like everyone is having sex on the regular. No sex to a person who isn't having any sex for years will be met with a 'meh' response.

What about Robin Thicke and Justin Timberlake?

Wow, really? The article clearly references Belgium as the place. It isn't about me not liking this or that. It is about reading comprehension. It is a shame you were picked to teach American school kids. It explains a lot.

There already is . . . .

Quit thinking of American school kids.

Rly? That is an extreme conclusion to jump to. How about looking at the Rules of Evidence or the Prosecutor who decided to keep pressing charges against her? Never heard of prosecutorial discretion?

Worked well enough for a lot of laws, like the sex offender registry, which they are putting non violent juveniles on. (ex. The 3 or so 16 year old girls last year charged with child porn for distributing images of themselves or their peers).

In sex offender therapy, the 'therapist' somehow made a correlation that the pornstar was somehow hurting people (relatives or whatever). Imagine that.

These are judicial resources, not executive(police) resources. But yeah, I'm sick of the "_______ touched me" being brought up in divorce hearings. And it isn't always "Daddy touched me". Sometimes dudes in prison(for multiple charges) with no hope of custody in the divorce accuse their wife of sleeping with their

Is something wrong with me or did it really take me 4 whole comments for me to realize this was a lesbian couple?

Same ideas behind vilifying sex offenders, like the foot fetish dude.

Yes it is. A Romcom where instead of forgetting about a married or polylustful guy, women latch on to him. Sadly, some actually do this in real life, but not to this extent.

Remember when people said the comic society was the most misogynistic? Please contrast and compare to this.

Be sure to screen to make sure people not on the registry don't register. Cuz you know how people get with their lurid school teacher fantasies. And now that school teachers are being accused . . .

You cannot be serious. This defense is not expressly state, implied, or even in the legislative intent. This will be the third teenage girl convicted for sending 'child porn' in this way.

Remember in 2011 when people were talking about banning sex offenders from online dating sites and some were talking about what put people on the list? And you were talking about how they are probably not all in the system?

Because sex crime legislation and things built around it do extend to kids aged 6.

But, "She shouldn't have worn them leggings" would never pass the muster in a court case, right?

I disagree with this article. It is really the old heads and bosses who make sure their female employees stay mediocre. Fk fear. There are plenty of women that go out at night in skirts and skimpy clothes. They take risks. Fear of failure? You gotta be kidding me.

People like him is why ignorance of actual issues persist.