
Fine, here it is again. It is better to be in daylight, with witnesses, and on video so you can have the appropriate defense, than to be accused of something that many people think is heinous at night time and with only the 'perpetrator' and 'accuser' to testify.

At least it was in broad daylight and on video so people could see the teen started it. Plenty of people get accused of sexual assault around of after midnight and before no witnesses by teens. And it doesn't matter if the teen is lying or had a fake ID, deleted or got rid of evidence that doesn't corroborate their

I'd agree with children's drama remaining children's drama if I didn't know about the school to prison pipeline or the lifelong consequences some otherwise good, intelligent children get subject to for things much less than this.

The thing is that everybody is not agreeing to use the justice system. I'm not even getting into the flaws of the justice system.

Yeah, that observation would make more sense if we saw rappers abstain from the booty shaking and/or vixens in their videos when they got girlfriends or wives. In real life, Ludacris has a baby with a person who is not his girlfriend. This is because, as rumored, he constantly cheats on her. And later on, it says they

Thanks, you are the only one who seemed to actually put research into the answer instead of stalling and throwing out smokescreens.

Maybe, but in this case, the 12 year old who physically batters people and thinks it is ok when only she does it is the mean girl here.

This! I'm waiting for this to happen to the one(although older kid) who got me arrested after hitting me.

And paper trails sure protect people, don't they?

Go ahead and defend anyone who isn't 16 yet. Keep Phillip Chism and the 'Knockout game' kids out of prison, please, thank you.

The criminal justice system.

That is assuming the heroin part. Otherwise, we'd be taking away children from moms who are working two jobs and going to sleep due to sleep deprivation.

Phllip Chism must have 'bullied' his teacher to death then.

It has already come. Phillip Chism, age 14, murdered and raped his 24 year old teacher. But, people are still like, "Adults should have more self control". Fk that. If Zimmerman gets to stand his ground with a gun, we should be able to with our fists versus proven predatory teens with no actual empathy.

So many people are talking like, "It's morally wrong to put your hands on a minor". After that minor physically attacks your child and/or yourself. I hope they keep talking that talk until they meet Phillip Chism or one of the 'Knockout game' participants.

Right, go on developing that self control until you have another Phillip Chisolm or one of the Knock out gang.

Many will say there is no excuse to hit a 12 year old, but this kind of behavior is where Phillip Chisolm(14), the 'knockout game', and other unruly children come from.

And one of these days the children will hit an adult and take their stuff, like the knockout game in Philadelphia, and people will wonder where they got the audacity to do that.

This right here. I am with this. In a world where 14 year olds kill teachers how are people acting like age defines who is the predator anymore?

I still can't tell her sexual orientation from the article. All she said was "queer".