I find it funny no one is using the words, "child molestation or "sex offender" when talking about this guy's comments. Yet if a 15-18 year old accuses a teacher of having a relationship with them, this is exactly where we go.
I find it funny no one is using the words, "child molestation or "sex offender" when talking about this guy's comments. Yet if a 15-18 year old accuses a teacher of having a relationship with them, this is exactly where we go.
League of Legends goes down a lot. When I saw this, I thought their servers were kaput. This is very forgivable as League of Legends had this same thing happen a few months ago to tens of thousands and had me offline for a whole week. 1 day is nothing.
Come on, I thought sex offenders were the big bads.
Which explains why teachers and anyone else merely accused of touching an underage teenager is put in jail and/or prison and labeled a sex offender, yet someone for which a tape exists of them paying, doing sexual things with, and peeing on a young black girl is scot free.
This author doesn't know that the 2nd dna sample could easily prove the exception and be admissible under the exception to the rape shield laws. Imagine that.
Also, if any where Black, they would be stopped and frisked by the NYPD.
Oh, I forgot who Susan Boyle was. Thought she was in government or something.
That is funny, I thought age of consent first came about from child labor standard reforms in the 1900s. This was back when women and children still bordered on being property like those slaves.
What I don't get is how the "anti-bullying" people cannot see that bashing her is considered bullying as well.
It means that it happened, but to the rest of the country they have to deny it.
I probably read, but ended up in denial. I probably didn't want to believe the kid died. Too much sadness.
I never said anything about the plight of the sex offender. I was describing how when one commits a crime like this, it has a different motive than these Black Friday "shoppers" who commit acts of violence have, but the same intent or internal chemicals is driving them. And I gave examples showing how it is not that…
It's ok, I had to leave the house. I guess I was in serious denial. Too much bad news during the holidays. Paul Walker. Bronx train derailed. This.
Yeah, it was td/dr.
Story isn't written well. Did the kid survive or what? How long did she have to travel? I need more info.
I realize people have cognitive dissonance which makes many in America think sexual things are worse than violence, but meh, it is a difference in motivation. It is like when Christina of Bad Girls Club gets verbally abusive. I see that pattern in potential domestic abusers. Only difference is that she is of a…
Also, these "shoppers" are bringing guns and stun guns to the events so it is more like premeditated assault or aggravated assault. That is a felony that includes violence that greatly harms someone.
I am talking about psychological motives, not motives of operation. I am talking about what could motivate someone to hurt someone else over a thing.
What I am saying is that these people are willing to hurt others over merchandise. Some peopel are hurt so bad they need ambulances. These people are acting on a strange impulse. Yet, they would not understand someone else's impulse to touch someone else inappropriately.
People purposefully hurt each other because of stuff. Yet, none of them could understand the compulsion non-violent sex offenders could have?