Assuming a woman is above sexual assault is not based on any logical assumption. It is based on bias.
Assuming a woman is above sexual assault is not based on any logical assumption. It is based on bias.
Wow, I have a demanding boss who is quite demanding. Only here cuz he closed the office early. Good luck to those working corporate retail.
Nice sarcasm.
This right here.
It's ok, now you are a dude lesbian like me.
Actually, it is 2013, you would be surprised how people are charged, arrested, & convicted.
It does work to show two people can use a similar premise or come up with the same futuristic concept, but use it to explore different views (ex. Juvenile delinquency & economics; Battle Royale/ The rich keeping the poor disenfranchised & other societal issues; Hunger Games).
I never claimed it was cultural appropriation.
I didn't say the mispelling was the appropriation. It was that she made the phrase part of the chorus compared to Katy Perry who sang "Unconditionally".
Maybe the author should have included a word referring to the author or writer of the article in the title.
Jezebel normally reviews Law & order SVU cases that have real world context, but has skipped two cases. One where a homosexual man was discovered to be falsely accused and his life & career were publicly destroyed.
One kid versus a prominent figure.
Oh yes, Joanna and that elevator scene! Then the axes!
No one said we have to presume that the alleged victim is a liar.
So Katy Perry went farther than wearing a kimono? Because if so, then people calling her racist must have a stick up their ass too.
My Debbie Downer side says: He also doesn't live with a society that will make him feel less than a person for his deformity. Compare this to how we treat people with physical deformities from birth.
My Debbie Downer side says: He also doesn't live with a society that will make him feel less than a person for his deformity. Compare this to how we treat people with physical deformities from birth.
I don't get how we call Katy Perry racist, but overlook Robyn's "Konichiwa Bitches" song. She even puts on a kimono in the video. It is more of a sad mimicry than what Katy Perry did.
And Unicorns are overly sexualized in porn.