
Many Americans don't get enough sleep because of work. For people with children, this effect is doubled. I'd rather give her the benefit of the doubt that she was exhausted. I've been so exhausted I fall asleep in my car after work.

Hollywood & their want for trilogies. I'll wait for the box set.

Former Senate candidate's son just committed suicide. My name has been public for 6 months, but hybristophiliacs never contact me. My desire for law (as a sexual object) has lead to my conditions to have "No contact with law enforcement" added. Tornado struck the Central U.S.. And every murderer (except those who

Law school student here. I still have no fking idea, even with what was learned about defamation.

I'm planning to become a lawyer where most of us suffer from depression, high suicide rates, and alcoholism.

Sorry, I have non existent self-esteem and suffer from depression. After seeing more of the story . . . .I think she liked his celebrity more than him as a person.

Kanye fan right here. My reaction: WTF? How far has his ego blown up? You keep this stuff private.

I'm a level 1 convicted sex offender . . .still less of a dating life than a Divorcing George Zimmerman. News is arguing that police can't be wrong this many times and that he cannot just be a "victim of circumstance".

Unless someone else comes up, Hillary Clinton is the only recent candidate who really has been vetted(as in been through debates & mudslinging). And sadly, the only stable one. Even with what was revealed in wikileaks, she is a shoe-in.

The funny thing about the picture is that so many were expressing doubt the guy was White. Yet, they act like there is no bias in the media. If the shooter was black, his face would have been all over the news.

INDEED. If I had a bullet for every time I forgot one of my bullets in a sexy lady's hotel room, I'd never have to go back and retrieve a bullet again!

Well, a false murder conviction is WORSE!

You sound like a "nice guy".

Well, she can't be good with everything.

You mean Vietnamese?

I actually think Burning Glass may have Republican relatives and this is a way to have nepotism and keep some friends employed.

Shoot, I bet some people with sex offenses involving the opposite gender may actually be virgins or gay and don't fight the case because it is a better alibi than having a Beard (woman married under pretext).

I rushed through my first 4 into a recession. I'm taking my time with my post-graduate education. If anyone asks, student loans had to be paid!!!

I have a Bank Manager who believes in the illuminati.

But what about the debt & lack of jobs for people with the educations?