
I'm male.

Wow, a Corporation actually changed it's way of doing things. Erm, can I buy their stuff? I need clothes too.

Probably as much as it has to do with women watching porn as much as men, if you see the study.

So for physical abuse (which leaves bruises or scars the body) people are not put on a registry, but people are put on a public registry for sex crimes (often accusations) that are put before the State?

Ok, I may be wrong about it. Or equating his album sales or ability to support his lifestyle with something different.

The same way many Black Women still love R.Kelly, while claiming other less fortunate men put them down and don't respect them. R.Kelly had a tape with someone of his likeness paying a young teen(13-14) for sex and then peeing on her.

. . . . . I am against prison sexual assaults, but I really think he is more likely to get knocked on his butt than have it touched that way. Cuz he is a fightmonger and all.

Strangely, I rarely hear of women going crazy over sex offenders. If they are on the registry, you know they(offenders) are at least halfway to losing their virginity or forceful depending on the offense & date. And their address is right there. People could have their own Christian Grey or (female sex offender name

Isn't he gay?

What is worse is someone is asking for something in 1988. That is before computers became personal. In some states(in America), they don't even keep DNA evidence that long.

Nvm, Jezebel is bias and the commenters know it.

Yeah, I never cared about Chris Brown before. Before I just thought, "Well Rihanna is with him so he is preferred over anyone else by her". I thought it was a simple battery type case (even with the picture in the media). I only went back and read the police report two years after his conviction because the press

Oops, I meant news.

It is not selective reading. It is that, like with Chris Brown and Michael Fassbender, Chris Brown repeatedly continues to do things of a violent nature or that remind people of the conviction.

You forgot O.J.'s book. But sure leave out all the stuff done in between. There are white hollywood defendants, but they make it easy for people to forget about them.

Because that is what he is. Who else would keep violating his probation with incidents related to the original conviction?

This guy gets more chances than anyone I know. Assault reduced to a misdemeanor? Wow. If someone had sexual assault probation (as in sex offender registry) for sexual battery, then kept committing certain sexual batteries, they could only be so lucky as Chris Brown.

Miscegenation laws existed back then, so yes it was illegal.

Yea, and commenting on someone's old posts isn't stalking how?????