You know what they say about guys with big feet right?
You know what they say about guys with big feet right?
We do this in Wisconsin when we get a real winter. 20 below is nothing after you've had a week of 50 below. It's all perspective.
Nice clean car but it's too much dough.
I really dislike this sideways scrolling comment system. Godawful.
Now this looks more like the old page, before the scrolling tiles. Dammit I just got used to them after or whatever finally quit updating.
This is actually pretty good. I read a report recently that Skiing is on the rise and snowboarding is in decline. Skiers can be extreme athletes too?
With this and the fan tackling thing, LeBron seems like he is trying to improve his image with the fans.
Agreed with the controller statement. I own Forza and I have played GT5 at friends houses with a controller and I hated it. When I was at the Off-Road World Championships in Crandon the Nissan tent had GT5 with the wheel and pedals. You only had 3 minutes of drive time. In those 3 minutes I took the lead in the race…
I'm going to have to go with everyone else and say no. I bought a 5 year old WRX wagon 5 years ago, put on 100k miles, didn't bro it, and I can still get more than half of what I paid for it. Hell the bank was going to give me an $8k loan with the car as collateral.
1 point escape at 2:22 put the other kid ahead. Black wrestlers generally have tons of strength for their weight but lack the stamina to go 3 rounds. Asian wrestlers have a ton of technical ability, the Hispanic kids have a lot of aggression. Not racist, just my observations from my years of wrestling.
There are some pretty bad ones but this was just young and stupid decision making.
First thing I thought of.
Maid cafe's aren't that creepy.
Yes, I would take it. I proabably wouldn't get too much flack from my friends after driving around for two winters with hot pink wheels on my snow set.
It might. I am not too familiar with the SVX as I had only a passing interest. Someone locally was converting one into a RWD drifter. I didn't really follow up with him to see how the build was going.