Best, Ad, EVAR!
Best, Ad, EVAR!
Did GT5 ever actually come out?
You had me at $2500 Wankel. Is there somebogusness I missed in the rest of the post?
I forgive any repeats from last weeks superstorm.
Plus one internets to you good sir.
Why don't why put music videos in work history in imdb? I want to know who the gal is in this video:
Does it work when you need to push start a dead car?
GTA: Mother Russia
I had a 1991 Nissan Pathfinder, best off-road vehicle I ever owned. Teh new Pathys are basically Nissan's version of the Suburban. If you want that old Pathfinder off-road awesomeness these days, you need to go with the Xterra.
I like the Chili Garlic variant of this stuff.
Thanks Drew. It's midterms week and now all I want to do is search for a pretzel recipe. Also, I drafted Mendenhall waiting for the comeback and when I finally benched Green fucking Mendenhall puts up a measly one point and Green goes nuts on my bench. Fuck those guys.
It's Wisconsin, Alcohol was more likely involved.
Hard to tell from the video but that kinda looks like a WRX that someone slapped a wing onto.
What is the cost of repair for a manual versus an automatic? How about long term reliability? Can I repair one myself without several years of extensive training? When the automatic transmission is more reliable in the long term and cheaper to fix I'll switch to flappy paddles.
A proper gearbox may have shifted my vote to NP. May have.