Wow. Haz anyone mentioned the CEL or any of the other trouble lights lit up on that dash?
Wow. Haz anyone mentioned the CEL or any of the other trouble lights lit up on that dash?
I bet there will be an Android hack for this within 7 days or so if there isn't one already.
Siri, oversteer my bagel.
Here in Appleton, WI we have had two odd slaughter house related spills in the past 4 years. Green Bay is just up the highway and slaughterhouse traffic moves through our little community regularly. The first incident a truck carrying cows overturned on the highway and the bovines wandered around on HWY 41. The…
Black Tar Heroin?
My thought exactly.
Yep, it needed quite a bit of work done but nothing too terrible(besides an engine) so the wife vetoed it.
Forum cars... You know the owner is asking more than fair market value because he thinks he can get a fanatic to buy his baby. I can't justify buying this Bronco II (though nicely done) when I could buy my own off Autotrader. Found one last week for only $800 last week to be my project, and it had 3 pedals. …
You had me at $2900 rally car.
I think one of the deceased was in that car on the bottom right with 38 painted on the roof. Scary stuff.
Croatia isn't letting me start new threads. I want pics of these booth babes dammit!
Pretty sure she isn't a lesbian dude. I would still drive her hard though.
Yes, J-Lo can't sell me on a Fiat 500. This lady can.
Not sure I can completely agree with you on that except I think the spoiler looked better on the Dodge.
No, that would be OK here. Just wanted to play it safe.
Well since NSFW I'm not watching and have to ask:
Sweet! Homework for tonight :D
magnetorheological fluid... Sounds very SciFi
Nice price. I couldn't find an 07 Exige for much less on the interwebs.