
This is a blog, not a newspaper like the NYT. Give me a fucking break.

This looks far better than the brick of a phone the last leak showed. This one may be purchasable, I'm still hoping for a curved LCD though.

It's still possible if you simply develop the DNA from scratch. Kinda like the Chickenasaurus. If we can sequence what all the 'junk' DNA actually does. we'll be able to code pretty much anything.

I certainly hope not... It's lost it's curved style & is glossy as hell on the back, that would absolutely suck for a Nexus device.

5/5 Google, I'm a true Android. XD

That's what NFC and the Nexus Q are for. Wave the tablet over the Q and share media. Simple, no cables.

I won't be buying one; first and foremost because I'm an Android user.

I would buy this on Android.

This actually sounds pretty awesome, and for $25/mo, I could easily see it working. Some months there's movies out that suck, but there's a lot more I do want to see but for fear of wasting my money, I don't even give a chance.

I would buy it right now, and several times over if I had the money, haha. I'll be getting the $249 version by christmas, right after I swap jobs. I've already got a Xoom 3G (full price!) and a Galaxy tab 8.9 (Got at $450 before price drop):); but the Nexus'll be my first quadcore. I've played with them, as well as

Apple most certainly did not invent the smart phone category, I mean shit, do you remember Windows Mobile? Blackberry? They were around AGES before Apple. If anything, Apple made 'smart phones' dumb enough for regular people. If you remember, the original iPhone launched without apps, and didn't even have picture

not at all, I remember the Nexus One was rooted like a week before it was even released xD Several devices have had that done as well...

For mac users I must say those are some really horrible photoshops.

I'm moderately OCD and I try a lot of different things to fix things. I also do extra painting and such simply because I can and sometimes the lighting's not perfect. If I want to increase a light source, I can paint on an extra layer and apply filters and such.

I was joking bro; please learn to recognize. XD But no, it doesn't scare me. It's an electronic device, and EMP from a nuclear missile would easily take out any number of these of tactically detonated.

I don't really get creeped out by them knowing where I am, I grew up as a moderately sheltered child so I'm kind of used to it. So what if they know everything about me? It's been like that pretty much my whole life.

ADMIRAL ACKBACON! This guy may be my new hero.

Send him a letter; or an email (wait, that may be too futuristic for him).

This is why one must wear an enormous hammer on their back at all times. Going at that speed, and judging by the arm holding it on the side; it's got issues with stability, One nice swing and bam. No fear here. :D

Free T-Shirt for a flight? Hook me up Samsung. My god, either these guys either really hated Samsung or they were incredibly unbiased; which, being unbiased is a good thing, but seeing as how Samsung is paying for the tickets, I see no reason not to at least don the t-shirt.