

It has tabbed browsing? I was under the assumption that it was different 'windows'. I don't consider those tabs, I mean literally tapping another tab at the top of the page on the address bar. Tapping the windows button and then selecting the other window is a bit different; it doesn't have to cache it in memory the

Android does have a Facebook app officially..

indeed; though the higher resolution is quite a bit nicer. I love the widescreen for movies/games :D

Not a huge burn; it still has appx 4x better graphics than the original iPad, which was pretty impressive to begin with, I'm waiting for Galaxy on Fire 2 with increased graphics to come out on the Xoom on the 28th & with playstation branded games coming to the tegra platform I'd say tegra's still a pretty good win.

I'm hoping my Xoom gets support, though for development it speaks great bounds; I'd love to get a UDK game I'm working on playstation-certified ^_^ [Hopefully they'll release the UDK Android publishing tools soon without requiring UE3 licensing]

Yes. Snapdragon chips do not have Tegra.

it actually does have a hard-search built in; it's in the top on the action bar! just tap the voice icon and bam, you're done :D

Win! :D

This is a pretty amazing feature; I'm thrilled that they're adding it.

Though glasses can take a beating; drop your ipad on it's screen and well, good luck. Gravity wins. ;)

I sent the creator a message; I'm hoping to have one commissioned so I can make my own retractable arm cannon with built-in android phone/tablet.

Nope, I just mess with my network and move my electronics around my room so much that the router's off frequently enough to change the IP. Only takes a couple hours, only nuisance is sending out the new IP to people on my Minecraft server.

My IP has changed dozens of times in that time period.. I feel sorry for the guy who's going to have to sort through all that.

Except in Japan, the form of capital punishment there is still lynching.

Unfortunately secret agents are likely using Android tablets as iPads are too controlled by Apple to handle the sensitive data the government demands. ;)

I don't even know how this sort of thing starts but stories like this drive me crazy because I'm in game development & the thought that something that I create could be used in an act like this drives me insane. Ugh. People disgust me.

As a recent xoom owner, I can tell you honeycomb's pretty amazing in real-world use. There's a few improvements to be made, (I haven't found the delete song option that's normally via the menu button on reg android handsets in music) but the screen utilization for the homescreen is definitely worth testing out.

I had heard about that; but that seems like a pretty horrible move to consumers; I thought apple was all about not having fragmentation? Apple people complain about android having such varied hardware and they piss and moan, if Apple does something like that; what will they say? 3 different SKUs while all varying in