Oh this is freaking brilliant.
Oh this is freaking brilliant.
As I'm in my 4th year of college as a game developer; I can't even tell you how much we consider walmart a necessary evil. They're horrible in ways Apple can't dream.
Could be interesting; If they make a good enough effort and push for developers to tie-in Remote Play in Ps3 games; this could certainly be a powerhouse tablet.
Case and point: Angry Birds on a tablet.
Check out the Xoom then; or maybe even the galaxy tab 10.1, seeing as how it plays friendly with Apple stuff & DoubleTwist is a good faster replacement for iTunes, it might be a fiesable replacement :)
See: Adobe Flash Player on Apple Devices.
It's an evil move in the same way that content providers go on strike with the cable companies for higher costs and whatnot; in some cases it's fiesable, sometimes it's not.
I like this.
Isn't it just fancy that that's exactly what Google wants everyone to do? ;)
I've got to say I'm not a fan of the redesign at all. Scrolling articles on the right got annoying enough for me to turn on adblock; I usually liked the ads on the left and top of the old style, and would actually use/click them from time to time.. with the new fixed-width page that doesn't take advantage of my…
I'm fairly interested in Music Unlimited; I currently use Mog, I won't touch iTunes, since MU is subscription based I could definitely get behind it, especially if it's coming out for the NGP like it is on PSP.
I had around 450 applications on my N1 before I lost A2SD with CM6. I have around 200 now, but the only reason I lost so many is because of lack of space. 512mb of ram is nothing; when I get my Xoom I'll probably have over 1k apps.
Am I the only one that thought that if you glue them together you get a medical tricorder?
@UWAZell: As much as I've love to have a sony tablet, they're not champions in the software update category so if purchasing an android tablet, I'd always stick to the google official ones (google releases updates) as for with motorola and the cliq, sometimes they abandon updates all together.
@Navin R Johnson: Hmm, seems like you're in the same boat as me.
@quickqueenof: I'm pretty sure if I called, my…
@subs4: Actually since the Xoom is a pure-google device, it's google who controls the updates, so it's always first.
If it requires glasses, there's no point in it at all. I'm not going to wear glasses for a tablet.
@AlienSix: That you're in the 27% category for Android under African American.