
This rocks, haha.

@LuciusVerus: Not only that, but the jailbroken unlocked iterations still at incremental updates like 3.0.1 3.0.3 etc etc, there's far more versions out there than people realize. :\

I've known about a similar technique to this for quite awhile.

@RaindropBebop: I agree; It's not like I would be overbearing and have to read every message and freak out about it or anything like that; I'm more concerned about others than about those that I will be raising; as for as you said; they (should) know better.

@Master_Soda: I'm aware, which is why the core system in which our values rest IMO needs to be kicked to the curb and rebooted from scratch.

@Sidetalker: Ah, sorry man; I only posted once; Giz was messing up :\

I think I'm going to start a brand called "Serious String" and sell it on that corner.

I think I'm going to start a brand called "Serious String" and sell it on that corner.

@Tony C: probably hand-stitched, they look pretty well done.

@Tony C: probably hand-stitched, they look pretty well done.

@Tony C: probably hand-stitched, they look pretty well done.

I would be dead. Simple as that.

@Aaron Huebner: The thought that it cannot be realistic is what prevents it from being as such.

@notverycreative: Article Context: "Earlier this month, Motorola sued Apple for pretty much everything phone-related: MobileMe, the App Store, location based services, antenna design, and so forth."

Why don't all of these idiots quit suing each other and instead work together to make a product that fits nicely and works flawlessly in my freaking pocket so I can give them money instead?

@jamjen: Ironically I work at T-Mobile; and we have parents do that sort of thing from time-to-time. Sometimes they have to put blocks on the lines because kids buy tons of stuff and rack their bill up hundreds of dollars(irreversible), or they're texting other countries racking it up that way... subscribing to