@bbeesley: Seeing as how they just sent out 200 units to developers; the air must be pretty thick.
@bbeesley: Seeing as how they just sent out 200 units to developers; the air must be pretty thick.
@vladdybear: Perhaps you shouldn't try using windows 7 on LSD.
I'm really considering getting one of these. I really, really like it.
@HarroChan: 'Dia' reminds me of a spell from FFXI.
@DeathcomFour: interesting... ;D
Google should buy godaddy to further own the internet.
@Kafka: It's what I've been saying for a long time.. if you go to a museum, they have a 3d sphere on a 2d plane they consider space; whereas in reality space is a 3-dimensional grid that can be bent, torn, have varying density and much, much more. (I won't go into it here, as my fingers are still sore from typing for…
I love that I was having a quite intense discussion last night with one of my friends discerning in fact that this was indeed possible as well as a whole other manner of speaking; waking up and having 'proof' in a sense to a theory I had thought of years ago is quite refreshing.
I'm extremely interested; but most certainly not in the next 12 months.
Oh, I've done things like this and then some.
@goldentreesang: This.
I kind of find it beautiful that there's no Android to be mentioned; seems like microsoft doesn't want people to know linux exists; LOL.
I love watching hulu on my nexus; flash is a godsend for me and keeps me entertained at work alongside the ONN app :D
Really loving the new widgets; much quicker than the notification pane and I can finally turn off the email for a new voice notification for just in case I miss it on my notification bar during the massive installs of apps :D
@eliavictor: Seeing as how Google's not a carrier, they can't change that.
@c_cornelp: I understand and agree. Apple is getting gigantic; and that could be both a good and bad thing.
@quikboy: I did read the article thoroughly; you simply didn't catch my sarcasm.
@Norbs: Haha, too true. Who knows though, Motorola has a large degree of the android market with the success of the droid brand; and Samsung's said that the 'Tab' branding will be part of a family of galaxy tab products, so we'll see, but like you- I don't think they will.
Thank (you) for complicated phones. If this grunt had an iphone or android; this reporter would have been toast.