
I cannot believe you left out Jesse, James, and Meowth from Pokemon.

I'll stick with the regular jetski; I love going fast but at the same time when I screw up jumping off a wave made by a boat; flying off and hitting the water is part of the fun.

Hmm. For me, it's very simple.

@juan_ozuna: I'm probably one of the best googler's on the net; if it can be found, I can do it. I'm extremely bored; so if you'd want, feel free to tweet me /jaredu with lyrics or info on it & I'll try my best to find it. =P

@Evan A Fleming: Not to my knowledge; there's an option for it in Spare Parts :)

@Amber Lodge: That's actually untrue; only smug exploded double rainbows are acceptable.

@jwenn0: you mean they're not to 6.2 yet? O_o

@sid9221: As a geek I must tell you that you have one part at least; in reverse.

@el_bets: It works far better than you'd think.

@CptTripps: You may not want that high-res of a screen, but as an up-and-coming game developer; jaggies bug the hell out of me.

Hm... I'm going to have to research how this was constructed.

This combined with a few of the comments on this article has made me consider using Tasker to do something similar to this; and in addition- if more messages from the same person are detected... then to open up my text flooder app and send them 12,000 messages.

@Say Waaah?: I can vouch for texts being unlimited at least on t-mobile.

Easiest reason is because with Android phones; a ton of apps have Ads in them. The ads (see article about Advanced Task Manger making money) make about the same as a paid app would; so what most people do is make a free version and then a donate version that gets rid of ads.

I like Google's update, but at the same time; if they're not using it to improve their Voice Search, then they damn well should be.

To those wondering what the sound at the end is; It's "PS3".

@blyan: Smart people say Iso rating; aperature size; manual controls; and a few other fancy words too.

Why the hell don't they get it?

@Evan A Fleming: In Android You can turn on Fancy Rotations in Spare Parts; it's an option. Can even make it wiggle if you like ;D