
My approach too. Too many pureists would never put tyre to tarmac if they had their way. I’ve seen people turn up to carmoots with their supposedly running cars in the back of lorries, and they just run them for five minutes to show the judges, and then they go straight back into the lorry and back to the garage. And

Are we all that surprised that the first Cybertruck owner on Nantucket used the pullout method?”

I don’t know why they even installed a “crash the boat” button to begin with. 

There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose newspaper told him to suck it
They did not approve
And told him to move
From public beach where he had stuck it

Kanye West uses new Cybertruck to drive Kristi Noem to puppy mill.

Drove his truck into town

Picture of Victor Diaz de Leon:

There once was a man from Nantucket

And if we had a nickel for every person who listened to Nickelback, bought an album, and/or went to one of their concerts only to swear the band is terrible after it got fashionable to.say so, we would be living in hilltop houses driving 15 cars.

Years ago, I repaired a ‘lemon law’ 2005 Ford Expedition that Ford failed to fix multiple times.

Having eliminated multiple tiers of folks taking care of operational details, I’m sure Mr. Musk will employ his impressive organizational and management skills to keep Tesla on track, and won’t let himself be distracted by Twitter.

The issue here is not even political. They welcomed an individual that is under indictment for a litany of crimes, has been found liable for rape and promulgated an insurrection, attempted a coup, attempts to undermine our basic democratic institutions, cronyism, tax evasion, fraud. He defames people, lies repeatedly,

If the rotors are no longer being manufactured, that means they have to be custom fabricated. They are probably being made by some boutique shop in Germany. As you might imagine, this is not a simple process. Here’s how one UK racing shop describes it.

Exactly. This is a strong example of survivorship bias. If I didn’t face any trouble, no one else will either. 


Don’t care what everyone’s answer is. This is a great question, one of the better ones asked on this forum.

you need to run the math on the continued use cost or mothballing cost to keep these on the books and “trickle” them out slower. The added depreciation is likely not worth the wait. Also, they are probably balancing when to take the loss on the overall financial year.

Also, let’s be frank, the old CEO was ousted after

If I lay off everyone, I won’t have to pay any salaries at all.

Marvel should be able to smooth over Sabra being Israeli by making MCU Earth not have the same conflict. Our Earth doesn’t have a Wakanda or Sokovia, so MCU Earth not having an Israeli/Palestinian conflict should be doable. The only change they need to make is to have the 2000 Camp David meeting end with an Accord

Soooo, how’s your relationship with your father?