But then how am I supposed to disappoint my dentist father more than I already do?
But then how am I supposed to disappoint my dentist father more than I already do?
That’s Mobus. They are the central parts warehouse for Hyundai and Kia in Canada. Former Plaza Kia parts manager here.
I does a significantly higher volume of cargo planes than passenger. We used to hang out and get high at the end of the main runway and it was mostly Purolator and Fedex planes
No most of our cops are racist assholes as well
The best example of this I have ever read was some trust fund college kid who parked his car on a sidewalk and explained that “you can park anywhere, it just costs more” and saw the $250 parking on the sidewalk ticket as the cost of a convenient spot.
Canadian transport truck sales guy here. The majority of truck drivers in the country think that these guys are a bunch of clowns that make the rest of them look bad. The only people who support them are the demographic labeled “fucking morons”. I would wager that more than 75% of the people supporting this thing…
You misspelled El Blan
If I pay you extra will you tell me now?
We’ve had Nash and Jensen, both Boxer dogs
Give her the ol’ James Rhodes
Plot twist, Baldwin himself is one of the producers on this film
I drove an E46 cab on the weekends for the last two years with either an expired dealer plate, or one that was registered to a 2011 Impreza I sold in 2017...
5th gear - it’s even more expensive in Canada, but I guess we aren’t as cool to write about...
You’re forgetting the fact that picking up a car in Canada means that you are going to have to pay the taxes for whatever province you picked it up in. Ontario for example is 13%. Then you will get hit again for whatever state’s taxes you are registering it in. I export vehicles to the US regularly. You haven’t done…
I will buy them all in 14 years and only charge a small handling fee when I send them to you across the border after another 10
Grandfather built them. If a launch failed they’d kill the whole buildteam as an example.
My grandfather built these as a prisoner!
Range Rover LWB with the reclining seats is what I would pick if I had “drive me to the opera Jeeves” kinda money
Neutral: Full sized pickups