
I go there 2 or 3 times a month, I assume that 80 percent of their population is on meth.

Nah, Spokane is WAY more racist than N. Idaho on the whole.

As I live in North(ern) Idaho, I have to ask, what is North Idaho Chic? I know Southern Idaho chic involved mall bangs and feathered layers.

A lot of stores do this in Idaho, I figured some of it had to do with the content of the headline than the boob factor. I remember I picked up a cosmo when I was 6 and my dad was getting a hair cut. I asked him what masturbation was very loudly in the middle of a Supercuts.

In 7th grade my friend found her mom's thong and we were all thoroughly icked out about the concept of a mom wearing "sexy" underwear. We were too young to understand panylines.

I know Pres. Nellis has issued everything he can, and is instituting a top-to-bottom reivew of policy, I just wish that this didn't happen for them to do that.

I would also like the University to answer on why, when a professor is known to refer to one of his personalities as a "psycho killer" to students, they don't fire his ass as being a threat.

There is a law student (3L) suing the State for the right to carry on campus. They try and pass this bill every couple of years in Idaho, I wouldn't be surprised to see it in the next session using this as an example. Which is ridiculous, this was off campus, and further illustrates how our state poorly deals with

They are now, it passed April 2011 under Title IX. Look up Dear Colleague Letter.

I support gun rights, but Marv really missed the boat on that one. 1. It happened off campus. Having guns ON campus wouldn't have changed a thing. 2. If you are mentally ill, or deadset on killing someone, I really don't think you are going to care about proper procedures. Its absolutely disgusting that this is being

I go to school here, and my experience is the school is pretty bad at dealing with complaints of misconduct, usually they tell you they will deal with it within the university and it's really hard to file a criminal complaint (its not). One of the articles said he went so far as to putting a gun in her mouth and

I don't think they know what Codependent means...

Such a crock, so basically the injections justify the starvation as a diet. Clever marketing.

I miss seeing political "celebs" in DC. Ben Stein checked out my rack at an event, Tucker Carlson told me how much he loves chicks that smoke, and I almost fell down the escalator staring at Dennis Miller at Cap South.

So is this NOT body snarking because it's a Republican? Is that how this works?

How would they be sent back to Russia? I thought that upon adoption in the US you get citizenship?

@Mmmmkay (gellin' and Jezebelin): I really don't think she can. She's only there because of her dad. She has hardly said anything enlightening, and basically makes young moderately conservative women look like twits.

This is my guy, doing his paw on cheek OMIGAWWDDDD.

@she's a rejector: Well, looks like I have a whole year and a half to debate it! I just don't understand some people.