
Lol, are you being sarcastic with that last paragraph too? If not: wouldn't that be excessive by any measure? Even if one is concerned with desensitization to violence, I don't think anyone is suggesting that (for example) Tetris and Sim City are causing violence.

Also, do you have a citation for that? I can't find

The founding fathers would ask..."So you want us to make bullying illegal? How old are you? Freedom of speech is infinitely more important than your feelings."

You aren't serious? By saying that you want them to post threats is supporting gamergates position that the threats aren't credible.

Your safety is not considered lower priority because you are a woman. That is ludicrous conspiracy theory stuff.

So by being in a group tangentially related to crazy people, I'm endorsing them? Then you MUST be endorsing Sam Biddle, bullying, destroying cokes "Make it Happy" campaign, to writing undisclosed articles about your room mates and relationships giving them undeserved press based on a relationship?

I have plenty of it. More than you it would seem. I don't insult people at the drop of a hat. You do.

I have never sought to belittle a woman for being a woman.

Uh yeah it was so obviously a joke, so obviously. Or no? Maybe it was just played off that way when they realized how horrible that was.

i think you are being unfair to TB and moderate GGers. The things I've seen TotalBiscuit complain about have actual evidence to back it up. I didn't hear about this story until today but I'm more casual GG supporter but I immediately was very sceptical, the Phil fish thing is interesting though and more reason for me

Honestly, you guys, as journalists, do more to paint "Gamergaters" as evil than we can ever do to you.

What are you talking about...? TB has never attacked feminism at any point.

i see you're well versed in logical fallacies

you're no different than these people. people around here conform to some sort of feminist non-conformity. you are the goth kids in south park.

Not trolling, honest question: why do you say "We always knew that was going to happen."? How did you know? Is the implication that this was a sham investigation with a pre-ordained outcome? I am hardly personal friends with Robert Mueller or anything, but to suggest that he'd be involved in and put his name on


Why should that be my problem? Initially it was about ethics and gaming journalism and they were right, there is a large problem in it from both journalists and big sites. Then some assholes, like you said, hijacked it but at its core it was still the same. Then feminism got involved and idiotic Tumblr SJW's wanted

If you agreed with Gamergate on the fact that there are issues in the gamer journo ethics then you're a bigot and sexist.

Holy shit! So you're saying that in a large group of people who have a similar hobby, they're NOT all the same?