
I don't like it. I don't get the uproar over this, I've seen your comments and I think that you're very intelligent - how do you reconcile the breach of personal personal privacy that occurred during this whole controversy, as well as the balancing of his positive/negative affects on minority communities.

I don't like


Just give up already. Telling other people they can't dress like you. You're not allowed to do that.

Jeesh. Literally will take anything in the world and twist it to be an evil conspiracy of the white devil at the behest of poor PoC everywhere.

Give it a rest. There are battles that matter. There are battles that don't. This one isn't even close to mattering. This is something you gossip with your friends about over a

Look at the logo of the foundation. It's pretty clear that "The Washington Redskins" is referring to the NFL team, it's in a different font and size than the rest of the name.

It's not really ridiculous. Least not if you don't subscribe to the fanciful notion that the word Redskin has recently and suddenly evolved into

Yawn, funny to see progressives get so tangled up in their manufactured outrage that they accidentally focus fired one of their heroes.

I like Colbert, I'm happy enough with how he present the Redskins controversy even being in the camp that doesn't support a forced name change.

Dan Snyders' doing a good thing for

This isn't America, why do you think black face paint carries the same stupid stigma that it does in the states.

Why the fuck are you just picking on some random guy? He's michael vicks brother, he's a regular dude. He shouldn't be held to a different standard, and have his tweets picked apart by some bratty deadspin intern looking to create a following. Grow up.

"Paterno Apologist"?

Fuck you.