I think the license rests with Microsoft and not EA.
I think the license rests with Microsoft and not EA.
Just like in the real world gas>electric
I think it can be summed up with one word, emotion. Super cars are bought because of emotion, the sexiness of the lines, the spine tingling high revving sound of the engines, the delirium inducing cornering ability, the ability to make all the other voices in your head go away except for the one that says GO FASTER! …
I came to post the same +1...What else could he possibly drive. The sound and angry attitude of this car screams I Am The Norse God Of Thunder Motherf*&^er!
That is a glorious noise! Thanks for posting.
Because Audi, but the Lola cop car is a great call!
Owning a Ferrari watch when you do own a Ferrari still makes you a poseur.
While I agree entirely that no one should put anyone else in danger by their actions, be it hooning, taking out innocent shrubbery in a GTO, delimbing a black night while taking a nice country stroll, or a dimwitted suicide attempt, I cannot accept that our fate is determined by anything other than us being prepared…
Hear Hear!
If we could make the Roadmaster run on baby Jesus tears wouldn't we be winning?
As well as light poo
On my way home yesterday I was temporarily blinded as a pimp 95 GMC truck with stick on fender vents caught the sunlight just so...Do you electroplate plastic 'cause I doubt that those fly vents would be made out of anything as old school as metal.
Wasn't the oldest battery found outside Baghdad?
Or my left, its really irrelevant when you have this sitting in your garage
Either pinky, maybe a toe or two as well...as long as it doesn't effect my already marginal driving ability.
Chicken Dinner
This is the best that the most interesting man in the world could do in 1975? I realize '75 was not the best year for American cars but really!?! Look around man, there's more to an auto than rich corinthian leather. What car would you own from 1975?
I just flurped...I'm gonna leave it this here then.