
Agreed, there are only so many times I can reply, "remove me from your email list ... my god why do you not have an unsubscribe button" before one must go nuclear.

Any explanation "how" this works? In that vein, is there a good resource for testing browsers against each other? I'm on Android 4.1.1 and would really like to know which of my browsers performs best. As of right now, my best metric is that jQuery Mobile runs like garbage on anything that is not the stock browser.

I'd love it to be true as well. Even if it were I believe there are just far too many people out there that are essentially more or less tied. Who you know will be the tie breaker or the cheat code in.

No, it is still overwhelmingly who you know. Your opinion assumes a perfect meritocracy and that if you know something better than everyone else (or even just the majority of everyones) you will be sought out and rise to the top. I cannot say that this is untrue in 100% of cases (though I know our society is far from

I've only bought one car in my life (and it was a Scion so no haggling) so I have no idea how to go about it. Even if he doesn't get the lowest price possible isn't he getting his price and saving a lot of time by just going and getting the car? In turn, doesn't the salesman get a sale in 0.5 hrs instead of 6 by just

Wouldn't they be $10 a pop?

ProTip: Don't use IE evar :p

I might hold off then. I don't want to ruin my brand new MBPR.

How performant is it? CM9 has one bar built in at the top of the shade. Widgetsoid also can do this but with fewer options.

Stock ICS + CM9 works wonders.

I think Cars 2 was a chance for them to split their staff into 1/10 and 9/10 for a year. The 1/10 could create the additional garbage required to push more merchandise for their overlords while the 9/10s got an additional year to work Brave. Once Cars 2 was delivered, they got the whole staff back on Brave for the

I don't really ever use bluetooth (or have any devices to pair with it) so I cannot tell if it works or not. I haven't heard of any bluetooth problems but that doesn't mean there are none. Otherwise I think I use everything else on the phone.

I had friends in high school who were petroleum distribution engineers.

I run nightlies and update typically once a week to the latest nightly. I have had literally zero problems on CM9. I'm sure it varies for other people but I don't think the stock ROM performed this well or smoothly.

For the love of dog we need to stop covering or caring about every facebook phone rumor. It'll be a rumor every time someone farts out the idea until it actually comes out. Even that final time no one will care.

I'm not a dentist but I've been told that putting pressure on your teeth while adding a very different temperature source in your mouth can cause micro fractures in teeth. While not immediately harmful, over time this habit can cause noticeable damage to your teeth.

They sound like good tips but don't chew on ice. Your dentist will not be pleased.

For all people claiming they'd never consider people without a cover letter, did you read the part of the article that said you should always include a cover letter if the job post asks for one? In addition, are you specifically asking for a cover letter in your job posting? It's a two way street and all of this

I'm not sure. I think they should have also scanned through the resumes for the word dance. If you're hiring for a dance studio and you don't include the word dance anywhere in your cover letter or resume, you're probably not right for the job.

Are you specifically asking for a cover letter and are you looking to hire for a skilled or general position? Advice needs to always be tempered with circumstance. For example, I had issue with this post until it mentioned that you should NOT skip the cover letter if they specifically ask for one.