For those curious, there’s a simple way to calculate how much your modded car is worth:
For those curious, there’s a simple way to calculate how much your modded car is worth:
pro tip: if you want me to rate your product or service highly...DO NOT ASK ME TO GIVE YOU A HIGH RATING. I’m going to be super critical of anything if you solicit high marks. I know its not directly related but it sure seems to happen more and more with these and other similar surveys.
On the front suspension lower control arm, due to inappropriate caulking process of the ball joint, the ball joint socket area may become cracked. Therefore, if an abnormally large load is applied to the suspension during driving, the ball joint may separate from the socket.
Pull into the intersection. If the intersection is big enough, pull up enough so another car behind you can get in too. That way when the light changes, you don’t screw over the person behind you, and you both make the light.
When people sit behind the line at an intersection, I want drag them out of their cars.
It looks heavy. Prohibitively heavy. It would take a massive rocket just to launch one of these by itself, even just to earth orbit.
The only possible way of damaging a fuel pump when racing is repeatedly racing with very little fuel in the tank. This prolonged use with little cooling can theoretically can stress the pump from heat. Of course the same habit in street use would cook it just the same. Fuel pumps are on or off. What the engine does…
As An AmG oWnErI cAn TeLl YoU hE pRoBaBlY hAd ThOsE wHeElS wAsHeD a WeEk AgO.
As an AMG owneri can tell you he probably had those wheels washed a week ago.
don’t make it out to be worse than it is, andrew - those tires are only flat on the bottom.
These layoff announcements are getting more and more sudden.
I was at Pats acres last weekend where they have their own (unofficial) drift taxi.
Drift taxi?
Your move, Uber and Lyft
Japanese guy wins a race and this guy clutches his Pearl Harbors.
Imagine an entire country filled with smooth back roads, elevation changes, sweepers, tight corners, and beautiful surroundings. Oh, and areas where there are no speed limits.
A hunk a hunk a burning love
For F-ucks sake!
As long as it took out a Chevy Aveo in the process, I'm happy.
I opened this article just for the anticipated comments, and was sorely disappointed.
I'm going to share this article with my wife.