
Eh, it sounds to me like you have good friends who are simply worried about you getting into something less than what you deserve. And you sound like a reasonable enough human to have thought it out—if you're interested and you genuinely broke up for no overly negative reason, I see nothing wrong with that at all.

Oh, and to wrap World Pride up, we got a rainbow after a brief downpour earlier this evening.

Wynne is more akin to a Governor than a Senator. She serves the province, not the federal government. Regardless, I am proud of Ontario. Her sexuality was a non issue in the last election. As it should be everywhere.

Here in Toronto we are hosting World Pride. Here is Kathleen Wynne, Ontario’s first female and Canada's openly gay premier marching with her political party's float in the parade. (This would be the American equivalent of a senator.)

that kitten had that human trained in record time!

i was actually a little disappointed after the first surgery and finding out it didn't set off metal detectors.

Agreed. I used to sleep quite well around finals, actually. I only ever pulled a few all-nighters, mostly due to my screwy work schedule (I worked night shifts). Also in grad school, but that was because the material was much harder and took longer to get.

They're from France.

Stop complaining or we'll burn the white house down again.

I have not, but now I know what I'm asking for for Christmas...

I've just found this one of Bowie. I love that Karl Lagerfield is lurking ominously in the background.

As God is my witness, I thought kitties could fly!

*Transposes sentiments to western women trying to "save" Muslim women from their oppression*

I had no idea about this entire phenomena, just one more thing to feel appalled at by a fellow white person. This kind of shit makes me embarrassed to be human sometimes, really. I am so glad to read Ole Sein's comments. It is hard to imagine anyone in her position feeling different. I think this book should be

For this crime, they will receive the most severe of all punishments in the entire British Isles.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

I don't think I'd like these people very much.

I mean, maybe just a little, right?