Hmm, I have no problem with talking about a fake dick. I think fake dicks are very funny and worth talking about, actually! My problem is when in doing so, you characterize attempted rape as “seduction.”
Hmm, I have no problem with talking about a fake dick. I think fake dicks are very funny and worth talking about, actually! My problem is when in doing so, you characterize attempted rape as “seduction.”
*45's “business model” is based on being able to take payment and then lawsuit, bully, or passive-aggressive his way out of his contracts and obligations. Taking Russian money and information to get what he wants, then failing to do what he was paid to do, is his lifelong MO.
Here’s a reenactment of a discussion from three years ago dealing with MLM’s.(we didn’t even need the money):
One of the many ways men are privileged over women is they don’t deal with the same constant bombardment of the-not-quite-Ponzi-scheme-but-somehow-even-more-awkward LulaRoe/Scentsy/Roden+Fields/body wrap sales pitches from high school classmates on Facebook.
You’re right. Putin and Medvedev are to COMPLETELY different animals. Medvedev is certainly not a sock-puppet of a human being with Putin’s hand crammed firmly up his backside...
Melania reads the headline, nods in sad acknowledgement,
You left out “libtards”, “Hillary, something, something, something”, “Obama something, something, something”, and “the next eight years”!
Medvedev is Putin’s bitch, probably the only guy he trusts. They’re more or less the same. If Medvedev is corrupted you can bet Putin is just as well, or even worse.
I love how “working-class” is a term to mean white and employed in manufacturing, repair services, energy production, agricultural production, or police and emergency services. God bless those people. They’re the salt of the earth.
Yes yes yes. These dumbasses thought Obamacare was something different from the ACA and now that they have learned it’s the same fucking thing, suddenly it’s “don’t take away my healthcare!” They were fine taking it away from the mythical lazy negroes and Mexicans, though, of course.
Let us all rejoice, but do not forget this bill failed, in large part, because IT WASN’T CRUEL ENOUGH to suit the needs of the far-right Freedumb Caucus nutjobs.
You forgot to factor in the value of your personal brand.
Per the latest Quinnipiac poll, Tumpcare is met with a resounding disapproval from the majority of the public
That’s because you meet with both sides, like Clinton, unlike Bernie who was happy to promise rainbows with no plans. It’s those sort of lies that sunk the good candidate and we ended up with Trump. Thanks BernieBros.
“Yes, I realize his ideas would not have the support necessary to pass laws”
Translation: “I was fine with Republican bigotry until it was pointed at me.”
McIntosh looks...exactly like I’d expect from the son of a politician who supported Trump. Unnatural stance, creepy pose, and waaaaay older than his age.
The thing is if Mcintosh had been a “minority student,” then I doubt Rick Perry would have taken time out of his precious schedule to attack Brooks.
Nunes is doing everything to assure his own political destruction. When Trump inevitably goes down in disgrace, as he will, Nunes will be remembered for trying to feed Trump inside info on the hearings (without alerting the committee) precisely when he should be prosecuting him. What a short-sighted tool.
FRONT!!! anyone that chooses back is a freak!