The person who is against feminism and thinks it’s important to sunbathe her vagina?
The person who is against feminism and thinks it’s important to sunbathe her vagina?
You can give the little girl with the swollen face all the 13th place trophies you want, but you can't take away the sting of having your face double-kicked plastered all over the internet. Welcome to the real world!
I thought it was interesting that Rogen apparently realized early on that it needed a female pov. Apparently, he hired 15 female comedians to give feedback on the script and on the women’s stories and college experiences, then hired two of them on as on-set consultants to help with the improv.
I met Billy Piper a few weeks ago, told her i loved her in Penny Dreadful, but her character creeped me out in season 2.. she laughed a lovely pleasant laugh and then said very stone faced ’last season I creeped you out? You are REALLY going to be creeped out watching this season!” :) <3
My guess is this is the explanation for a fair amount of L.A. traffic. The 405 for instance is full of jerk offs.
But if a woman wanted to have her tubes tied with tin two days of a pregnancy scare, we'd support her! It's his body and not my place to judge.
I don’t know. Like, she knew about it, he informed her and it is his body so it seems pretty reasonable.
Mason jars: for when you want people to know your sperm is artisinal.
A mason jar?
Gorgeous eyes, and GREAT HAIR. I so admire Kartheiser’s commitment to his role in shaving his hairline back as a young man, but he had beautiful hair, and so does she.
their eyes are so blue. it’s too much
By the look of his parents, this baby probably has insane blue eyes.
Does he have progressive support now? His followers keep threatening to support trump or at least not help the democrats win if they don’t get their way.
Bernie and his team wanted—nay, demanded, like it was somehow deserved—the support of a massive political entity that he has, for 26 years, refused to be a part of. He spent a quarter of a century telling the Democratic party to fuck off, and now when he wanted their help and support, no surprise, he didn’t get it.…
There are two things about Sanders’ rhetoric lately that are really frustrating me and both center around the fact that he has openly talked about not being a Democrat and only running as a Democrat because it allows him to reach a broader base than running as an independent:
The really pathetic part of this whole thing is Sanders (and his supporters) railing against Clinton for taking soft money, when he’s doing the essentially the same thing by only using the Democratic party when it’s most beneficial to him as a politician. He could afford to run independently for Senator from Vermont,…
This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.
I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.
My rage-o-meter is in the negatives on this one guys. This is a dumb take.