There is a certain level of “missing the forest for the trees” going on in the anti-GMO argument. The problem is not the GMOs technology itself, it’s the fact that they are controlled by multi-national cartels.
Perry was very good in Gone Girl. He should act more.
There’s no way that’s a her real accent. She sounds like a villain from an 1991 direct-to-video “Die Hard” knockoff.
Calling Путин ‘Putin’ is transliteration. Calling Núñez ‘Nunez’ is a spelling error. They aren’t even in the same universe.
The real Mark Twain plays the role of “dead man doing barrel rolls in the grave forever”
wait i’m sorry
Núñez. Not Nunez. Please correct.
Why on earth would the judge refuse to grant the request for DNA testing? It could have saved heartbreak and trauma all around.
I don’t care what the credits say or what the characters in the show actually say, that’s Ted Kord. Perfectly casted and acted Ted Kord.
These are the main players in the Greek pantheon. By and large you can make loose comparisons to the Justice League. From the left: Hephaestus(Blue Beetle or some other gadget guy), Hermes (the Flash), Hera (Wonder Woman), Zeus (Superman) Hades (Batman), Apollo (Green Arrow) and Poseidon (Aquaman).
Is there a question?
She’s smiling. Laurel is smiling! Look at what this show is capable of doing!
but a miniseries based on the Kamala Khan incarnation of Ms. Marvel.
If Deep Space Nine was any darker it would have to be on Showtime or HBO. At the time it aired they did some crazy stuff on that show.
To be clear, in New York State, the “Supreme Court” is the lowest, trial level; the highest appeals court in New York is the Court of Appeals. To say that “a supreme court has granted a writ of habeas corpus” in this case could be misleading; it’s just a trial court.
A shitty black dye job, an ugly necklace made of chains and plastic, and a gross, much older boyfriend? Are we sure Sansa’s not a high school junior who works at Hot Topic?
You just have to love that last bit of Sisko going “I think I can live with it. I can” and it’s so obvious he’s trying to convince himself more than us.
Cersei: You’re going to Dorne; a one-handed man, alone…