
The last city-state to be a Big Deal all on its own.

And the European powers wouldn’t swoop in to reclaim their former colonies because...

apparently Saru also faces a tough social climate in the Federation, which apparently looks down on prey species like the Kelpians as being cowardly. So much for those evolved utopian ethics!

But at the same time the design makes it way more difficult for people in one part of the ship to move the part that is detaching, since you have 4 choke points.

I’m not sure if Charlaine Harris’ schtick will work if watered down for network TV. 

For one thing, you couldn’t really tell in this image that the saucer section had a double-ring, whereas it’s clearly got gaps in the new poster.

I’m not sure how the episodic nature of the Robotech story will translate in a movie’s runtime, even if it’s more than one movie.

That’s why most houses in the US freak me out so much. It’s like living in a toy house.

Or even better, a Middle-Eastern looking Briton who can do an American accent... which they half got.

I see.

That’s the Citadel.

Planetos is entirely fictional.

There’s a trope for that. ;)

That scene... man, I saw The Avengers in theaters like 4 or 5 times.

You joke, but I think their solution to the Mandarin problem was very elegant.

That GIF is even funnier when one remembers that in the books Salladhor Saan is a typical Lysene, meaning he is one of the whitest guys in the books.

The World of Ice and Fire explains the origin of the Maesters. It is unrelated to the Faith.

Yeah, but the Dance involves multiple instances of Dragon to Dragon air combat.

The First Blackfyre Rebellion is more likely.