
The first Need for Speed Underground game had nitrous that when it ran out, it ran out. They changed it over to a refill system in the sequel. Which kinda ruined it in my opinion, it lost the whole tactics mechanic of saving NOS for when you really needed it.

Step 1. Hit wipers.

+1 for the Buick/Olds/Rover lump. Although in it's Rover guise it is one of the most appreciated engines we have. Rover found the Buick engine at Mercury Marine in the 60s when sorting a deal for their gas turbine engines. The aluminium block and heads mean that the engine is comparable in weight to many of the 4cyl

And of course the 4.0 V8 in the RR is a descendant of the venerable 3.5 (215ci for all you imperial types) V8 that Rover nicked from Buick back in the 60s, that thing will be pulling long after all the electronic gubbins has gone to the wiring loom in the sky

'its not enough for you to be driving something from 1958 with a million horsepower and seven engines' I lost my shit :D

Sometimes I think to myself that Canadia might just be the best country in the world. 'free rental upgrade' just did it for me, I tried to rent a car once, was gonna cost me nearly £400 for a week... for a tiny 1l something or other.

I am uncomfortably jealous of you, not even sure I could buy a 420hp coyote engine in this country without getting a speeding ticket and tripling my insurance costs...

As a 'person from Europe', England to be exact, I am appalled at the way this fellow conducted himself and if I were in the car with him I would be certainly have been screaming 'THIS IS AWESOME' in 5 second intervals. Before promptly asking if I can have a go. In fact, if there is anybody willing to let me have a go

Its not technically a toy per se, but its what turned me into the car guy I am today, I wouldn't be 21 with a V8 if it wasn't for NFSU.

Dunno if this counts, but this;

Anyone else notice that the rear tires are the opposite way around to the front?

In the UK, in my experience, any classic car with a V8, they are so loud and its a sound the cops don't hear over here so they assume shenanigins are afoot.

Bonus points for Primus - Jerry Was A Race-car Driver playing in the background!

Is 20.

My 'lovely' brown '73 Rover P6 3500S.. dat sweet beige