Jack Trance


I'm rolling on the floor laughing at the first half of this article. My wife and I have had similar disasters in trying new Goopesque recipes.

She looks gorgeous. People at NBC were actually hesitant for her to go on air with her natural hair? Ugh...

I don't know this "google" you speak of.

Where is that grump cat saying "Good" pic?

lol are you trolling me?

Of course its not a woman's sole responsibility. And of course the only blame for a sexual assault should be foisted upon the actual perpetrator. I would also say that a male friend is MORE RESPONSIBLE than a female friend because he is more likely able to use physical force to stop an assault.

OMG this would have blown my mind.

I typically roll my eyes at the "cultural appropriation" argument. I do not think that it is a bad thing to be inspired or influenced by other cultures. And, hopefully, such appropriation can lead open-minded people to seek out the underlying influences of an artist that were appropriated. For example, my love of

This is like 7th level sarcasm. You are ahead of your time.

I had no idea that this was safe. I just asked my wife and she told me that her doctors have actually discouraged exercise in the third trimester. This might be one of the most pervasive myths out there about pregnancy. Awesome and inspiring article.

Do you think none of us live in the world. I live in Chicago, ride the subway every day, have a wife and a daughter that have been subject to harassment, work with many liberal woman fending for themselves, etc.

Thanks, this was a really interesting first-hand account. I remember my parents only warning my sister about "stranger danger" as well.

My feelings are not hurt because I would never let myself be affected by such a damaged and bitter person as yourself. I'm truly sorry you and your daughter were accosted, but I am not responsible for the actions of a sexual predator.

god damn kids today with their marijuanas and their hippity-hops.

OK, there is no argument left that this is performance art. He has a mental problem.

God damn I want some tasty angel hair pasta right meow.

Is this it? Is there where the modern conservative movement finally jumps the shark? Because it feels like they are jumping the shark.

I'm truly sorry for whatever happened to you that caused you to take this worldview.

Ok, I may have answered a similar response downthread, so I apologize for the Kinja-related redundancy.