Maybe the series needs to take a sa-bat-ical.
Maybe the series needs to take a sa-bat-ical.
Sounds like this enterprise is Wayne-ing.
I don’t have particulary strong feelings one way or another about anyone’s relationships, but that dude has a supremely punchabla face. I’ll give you that.
Majors should have been Clubber’s son lol
You could say she was royally pissed off.
I don’t get all the fucking anguish, crying, and other performative shite royalists and others are undertaking out of the delusion they had a personal connection to some 96 year old woman they didn’t know but likewise I also really don’t get people passionately and ecstatically celebrating her death as though said 96…
The "Bad Dragon," as some call it.
Clearly that thing hanging off his belt is the “royal pleasurer”
“So, any going theories as to what the title could be referring to, lore folks?”
Why is Hunter Biden still allowed to abort babies?
Jesus Christ you need to mention the article is full of SPOILERS! Please do, or put a black bar over the spoiler sections, so someone else doesn’t read what I did.
So diversity hires only count if they’re infallibly perfect representatives of their real world identities? You all gonna keep trying to find dumb fucking reasons to ‘cancel’ this show until something sticks, eh? Keep trying, this excuse is even weaker than the last few.
Whelp, I made it. I’m officially too old to understand what the fuck is going on any more.
We’re not having the same conversation here, I think. I’m saying there are other examples of people who can help you become a good man, if being a good man is what you wish to be. You don’t want to listen to Jordan Peterson? Fine. Listen to the Art of Manliness. Listen to, if we’re using TikTok as an example, Tank…
If you sample a song from a band with 4 members where all 4 write the music, that’s 4 writers right there. If you sampled the horn from “Groove is in the Heart,” that’s 5 writers. If you took that sample and laid it over the “Amen Break” from the Winstons’ “Amen, Brother,” that’s 6 more writers. That’s 11 writers on a…
FILED TO: If You Have To Say It...
Bunch a smaht mouths at the Gahdan.
Definitely seems like a good idea to complain about this with another game in Boston tomorrow night.