
Here’s what we you’re all missing: This is the FIRST time the priest was caught. Highly unlikely this was the priest’s first rodeo. No the question was whether the videos were for personal use or public consumption.

On a side note: I bet Father Travis wakes up in the morning glad he no longer has to live a lie, and is

These graphics running at full strength wouldn’t be anything close to those of Breath of the Wild or Mario Galaxy. 

I wonder if there is any way to hold the person who sold this drunk the Chevy Silverado liable for civil damages. It should be illegal to sell a car to a person without a license, let alone someone with a felony DUI on their record.

I hope he’s in solitary, so his alcoholic ass can go through DT. He’ll have to be hospitalized of course, but it’s going to hurt bad.

There’s the limit on the matter: what the police and DA’s of the country are going to be willing to enforce and prosecute. Few municipalities will want to spend money on new police training, and few sane DA’s facing reelection will prosecute a loser of a case like IVF fetal personhood.

My cousin is the biggest hoop head/gym rat you have ever met. He lives and breathes to play ball. His conditioning is incredible, he improves his knowledge of the game as much as possible, and is always improving a new skill. Incredible handles, great shooter mid and deep, lots of creativity, makes any team he’s on

The 90s comics crash was only a price drop in comics printed in the 90s. The speculative market was bad for these books, but the values on first printings of old rare comics have only increased. Those can never be faked.

Yeah it’s like blaming reprints of Action Comics #1 for devaluing the real one. First editions and first printings are still more valuable than reprints because they are the original, and rare.

Happy he won, but damn what a slob. Try wearing that to YOUR dream job interview and nailing it.

Dude, grow up a little. Do you go to your company party’s award ceremony and slap coworkers? All us mere mortals would be shown the door by security and looking for new jobs, regardless of what the other guy said about our cheating bald-headed wife.

Dang, you went from comedian on overrated comedy show 30 years past its prime, to systemic murder real quick.

I came to comment same: The show might be funny this week. Hell reunite the Chapelle show writers, it’ll be the best SNL in 30 years.

The U.S. pays more per student than any other country. People ask ‘where does the money go?’: administrators, and bureaucracy, who in turn make better salaries and have better job security than the teachers. They further bloat their departments to justify their existence.

Latino here, our peoples CAN indeed be very racist to our own peoples. When you are a community that comes in every mixture of Spanish/Native/African blood, barriers quickly rise based on color and socioeconomic status. In LA we had a Mexican American City Council members putting down Oaxacan Mexican constituents

Then if they effectively directed the film, why did they literally lift every one of Wes Anderson’s stylistic tropes? The movie is so Wes Anderson, that if he didn’t actually direct the day to day, it’s practically a parody. Damn right he’s not sticking around to watch people claymate. He wants the dailies, the

Still surprised they didn’t just go back to what worked. Make an Arkham sequel with no Batman, but Batfamily centric, and use all the mechanics that made Arkham successful.

This game, is not a penny worth.

I’ve been burned enough by GOOD Batman games, to never pre-order again. On PC, Arkham City had bad optimization and severe drops even with a good machine setup. Thankfully they fixed it in a reasonable amount of time. And then Arkham Knight was absolutely unplayable on PC, and there was no quick fix. I had to buy that

Intrigued. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being Nightmare Before Christmas and 10 being Cannibal Holocaust. Where are we at on this one?

Chess players burning thousands of calories is a myth. The “paper” referred by reporters as this being true is from an ESPN article, and it does not include any kind of published peer reviewed scientific research or experimentation whatsoever. A long distance athlete burns massive calories because muscles are energy